Chapter 15

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"But why did you transfer few of the businesses to me?", I asked Caroline.

"I wanted you to have your own social status. When I spoke to Abilo he told me that you studied only till fifth standard. There is no way a company would have hired you. So, I wanted you to handle a few businesses under my guidance.", she said.

"You could have made me your secretary or given some other job in one of your companies.", I said.

"There is another motive behind this move. If you have these businesses in your hand, Luiz would never leave you. And even in case he threatens you, it won't be enough if you will sign the documents alone. Even I have to sign.", she said.

My temper flared. This is absolutely rubbish!

"You cannot force a person to stay with someone when they do not like each other Caroline. I know Luiz loves his business but keeping that as a factor for making this marriage work does not make sense to me.", I said.

She bent her head and sighed.

"This was the only way I thought I can keep you guys together. I know it is wrong but this is just for the time being. Once Luiz accepts you we can change things accordingly.", she said.

"I would like to know more about Maryam.", I said taking this as a chance.

"There is nothing much to know about her. He fell in love with her and wanted to spend rest of his life with her. But then she passed away after which Luiz was devastated.", she said.

"How did she pass away?", I asked her.

"That's none of your business Lara. Stop thinking about her. She is no more.", she said totally frustrated.

"Okay.", I said.

I badly wanted to know more about them but I don't know why these people were hiding it from me.

"Caroline is right Lara. Please focus on your life. Past is past.", my dad said.

Later that evening, I asked them a lot about my mom.

Caroline and dad seemed so happy discussing about my mom. They even reminisced their old college memories. 

I just realized looking at them that it is really nostalgic to reminisce all those college memories.

I got to learn a lot about my mom. She was an amazing person. She had a great sense of humor. Caroline said that she was very intelligent and creative because of which she was always appreciated in their college.

I wanted to be like her.

My dad left around eight o'clock at night after having dinner. He seemed to be very happy.

I was thinking hard about how to know more about Luiz's past.

It was not about my curiosity. I wanted to know more about him in order to understand about him. If I know what kind of girl he likes maybe I can change like that. I can probably ask Sarah about Luiz. She might know more.

While I was in my thoughts, Luiz entered the room. I looked at him. Suddenly what Caroline and my dad did to him flashed in my mind.

It was wrong.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked.

"Like what?", I asked back.

"As if you are sympathetic towards me.", he replied.

"Nothing.", I said and turned my back to him to sleep.

I will do what Caroline said. I will give him some time. I will stay away from him for sometime and not talk much. Even if he says anything harsh, I will not reply as he was not in a position to listen to my explanations.

The next day, I went to Sarah to know more about Luiz.

"So, you came all the way to know about him. But not for me.", she said in a mocking tone.

I felt bad. It was true. She was pregnant. She needed a friend and I was there only to enquire about Luiz. I was ashamed of myself.

"I am sorry.", I said.

"Hey relax! I was just kidding. Why do you take everything to your heart? I know you are held up with so many things and the biggest blunder is that you do not have a phone for yourself.", she said.

I knew that she was saying all this to pacify me.

"So what's up. How's life going?", she asked.

"It's complicated.", I replied.

"What the hell. You don't have happiness even there. This is ridiculous. Is he not making you happy?", she asked.

"I shall tell you everything. But please do not interrupt in between.", I said.

"Okay okay", she said giggling.

After almost twenty minutes, I told everything to Sarah.

"So you mean to say that you guys had nothing till now?", she asked.

This girl is an idiot.

"Come on Sarah!", I said.

"Fine fine. But Lara I really don't think I can help you with anything.", she said.

"Please. You are my only hope.", I said.

"Okay. We shall browse about him.", she said.

She brought her laptop and typed his name. Only the latest business news which even I follow regularly about him came.

"Wow this is wonderful. I can get so much of info.", I said.

"You can get a lot of info on internet Lara.", she said.

"Anyways there is nothing much about his personal life here.", she added.

Next, she typed Luiz Cardoso's girlfriends.

"Why did you type GIRLFRIENDS? He had only one girlfriend and that's Maryam.", I said.

"You are so innocent Lara. Do you think he will have only one girlfriend?", she said.

What Luiz had more than one girlfriend? This was truly breaking my heart. Anyways I just hope it was only Maryam.

The screen of her laptop was filled with various images!!

Luiz was with different girls. All of them were sooooo beautiful.

I saw a few of them in advertisements before. So they must be celebrities and models.

Hey my High Fliers!!

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Love you all <3 XOXO

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