Chapter 14

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"So you remember the day Luiz and Caroline came to our home Lara?", my dad asked.

"Yeah, I do.", I said.

How could I erase that night from my mind?

"I and Caroline met again after that in the absence of Maria and Annie.", he continued.

"You know what Maria said when we visited your home on the first day? She said you went abroad for studies.", Caroline said.

I was shocked.

How come someone just lie through their teeth?

"But you came running after that lamb which Luiz held that day and by seeing your eyes I could immediately make out that you were Liza's daughter."

Liza? Caroline knew my mom?

"You know my mom?", I asked Caroline.

"Liza and Caroline were best friends.", my dad said.

I looked at her.

This person in front of me knew my mom. She was her best friend. I can ask her everything about my mom. I want to know everything about her. I never asked anything to my dad but I can definitely ask her.

Suddenly, tears were rolling down my eyes.

I wish my mom was there with me.

"How was she? I mean her behavior? The way she spoke? Was her voice sweet?", I asked.

"She was a very kind woman. She had a very pure heart. She used to look like you. But she looked healthier. You are born with her eye colour. Even your facial features match hers. Her voice was beautiful. But she was a very confident woman.", Caroline said.

I cried more.

"It happens Lara. Please control yourself.", Caroline said.

I wiped my tears with the back of my palms and continued listening to them.

"I actually agreed to visit your home for lunch that day because Abilo was Liza's husband and I knew them since our college days. Their love story was the talk of that time in our college.", she said and smiled.

"Oh.", I blushed.

"So yeah, after that I asked Maria about you and she said that you were a maid at their house. She said so thinking I did not recognise you.", Caroline chuckled.

Well she always treated me like one.

"I knew by that time that she was hiding the truth and moreover Abilo was still in the house and we were in the garden. So she took the advantage of the situation. Anyways, Luiz rejected to marry your younger sister. He thought that it would be just lunch and nothing else. But Maria was too much. She wanted Luiz to marry Annie which was impossible as he.... as he was still not over his love for Maryam.", she said.


I killed the sad feeling within me and listened to what happened further.

"Abilo told me everything Lara. The way Maria tortured you. The way she stopped your education and the way she caged you in that mansion. I couldn't understand how she could be so heartless.", she said.

"Does Luiz know about it?", I asked her.

"No.", she replied.

Thank god!

"Many girls I chose for Luiz just wanted his money. In fact, many girls didn't want to marry him because they all knew that he could never accept them. Almost everyone knew about Luiz and Maryam.", she said.

"Then Caroline came to me saying that she wanted you to marry Luiz. My happiness knew no bounds. It was the only chance I had to drag you out of that hell and Caroline was a very nice person, a best friend of your mom. Even I heard about Luiz's past. But I never heard any negative remarks about him. I was sure you would be better anywhere except for that house. So I agreed to what Caroline said. When I told you that Luiz wants to marry you I could see the happiness in your face. So I was not willing to back off.", my dad said.

"But as expected Luiz said a NO. He told me that he never wanted to marry any one in his life. I wouldn't have any problem with him being unmarried if he was happy. But I knew that he was drowning himself in the grief of losing Maryam. So I had to do this. I lied to him.", she said in a sad tone.

"He called me and even met me personally saying that he never wanted to marry you or anyone. I asked him to talk to Caroline.", my dad said.

"So I offered him a deal. The deal stated that if he marries you within a week's time, he can have all my businesses or else I would transfer it to my sister.", she said.

"Then he said that if you reject the marriage yourself instead of he rejecting it, I shall transfer all the businesses on his name. So, the deal stood that if he marries you or if you cancel the marriage yourself then he would be the owner of all my businesses.", she added.

"So he tried to contact you. But you never had a phone for yourself so he came to our home one day after dropping a message to me. So, I had to send you away at your grandmother's place for three days.", my dad said.

Oh how can I forget how surprised I was that day. He never asked me to visit my grandma but that day he did.

"He came and asked for you and since you were not available and you didn't have a phone for yourself, he dropped a letter for you which stated that he could never marry you as he was in love with someone and if you would still marry him he would ruin our whole family.", he added.

Luiz threatened to ruin my family? How dare he? The thought itself was so depressing!

"But you never gave me any letter dad.", I said.

"Yes, that letter went straight into the trash can.", he said.


"He tried to track you down but he could not as you were brought back to home only a night before your wedding and finally, he had to marry you.", he added.

"So Luiz thinks that I read the letter but still didn't care about it. Is that the reason why he calls me a manipulator?", I asked.

"Partly true, but he is more frustrated because he thinks that you and Abilo first manipulated and convinced me for the marriage for his money. But I tried to explain him many times that it was me who approached Abilo and that you were never involved in all the plan we made. But he never believes me anymore.", Caroline said.

For a minute, I tried to understand his feelings.

He had a reason to behave the way he was behaving.

Scroll down for another update today my High Fliers:)

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Love you all <3 XOXO

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