Chapter 68

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We both were having dinner.

"Eric called me.", Luiz said.

"Did they get back together?", I asked putting the delicious piece of pork in my mouth.

"Of course! I knew the outcome before itself.", he said smiling.

"You seem so happy. That's good. But if I were in your place I would have not done anything for them. They literally betrayed you for two years.", I said.

I felt bad that my Luiz was betrayed by someone.

"You are wrong Lara. You would have definitely forgiven them. You forgave me, your sister, your mom and dad after what we did to you. I learnt forgiving from you.", he said smiling.

His words automatically brought smile on my face. Those words made me feel so happy.

"I was confused when Maryam came back just after the two days you left. I was happy seeing her. But trust me, I had already fallen in love with you by that time. However, I felt suspicious about her. I couldn't understand what took her two whole years to get back to me and when I asked her she said that her mental condition wasn't stable. But still, I hired a private investigator to dig deep into the matter and then I came to know the whole story.", he sighed deeply.

"When I came to know the truth, I felt betrayed. I didn't expect such a thing from both of them. I wanted to kill both of them. I had no one to share my pain with in the house. I met Portia and told her all this. Her blood boiled. She just forgot the fact that she loved Eric and said that we should confront them. However, I expected both Maryam and Eric to eventually tell me the truth. But the situation was getting out of my hand and I felt like you were moving away from me as Maryam made her efforts to get back to my life. So, I had no other option but to confront her that day.", he said.

"I feel bad for Portia too. She loved Eric a lot.", I said.

"Yeah. But she handled her emotions like a matured woman. She said that she doesn't care anymore about him and that she would surely get a better guy than him.", he said and we both laughed at the statement.

But that is true. She is a great woman I have come across till date.

"Luiz can I ask you something?", I asked.

"Go on.", he said digging his fork into the pork meat.

"Why did you not marry Portia?", I asked.

He smiled at my question.

"We never had such feelings for each other. We grew up together. We even went to the high school together. She is like a sister to me. I really love her and admire her for her personality.", he said.

"So how many women did you date before?", I asked a question which was haunting me for a very long time. Even though I read it in the diary I wanted an answer from him.

"I don't think that's a good question Lara. No one keeps a count.", he said with a smirk on his face.

"I saw your pictures. Looks like you dated a few celebrities and models.", I said.

"Well I used to meet them during official parties and if I liked them, I used to date them.", he said.

My cheeks were heated due to jealousy.

"So, you really were a Casanova.", I said with distaste.

"Lara don't start it again. I never dated anyone after I met you. So just chuck this topic. Moreover, you know I don't like to be called that way.", he said twisting his mouth.

"Hmm. You have no idea how possessive I am about you.", I sighed.

"Even I am possessive about you. But past is past Lara and we should forget it and I don't understand why do you feel insecure even now. I agree that I didn't love you initially but I am all yours now.", he said dismissively.

"Hmm yeah but I felt so bad when you said you can't love me that time. I used to think what can I do to make you mine.", I said as tears were making their way out of my eyes.

"Lara, I am so sorry for everything. For my rude behavior, for my negligence and for that night.", he said while he was fiddling with his fork in the plate.

The mention of that night brought shivers down my spine.

How can I forget that night?

"Luiz, I really didn't want to go to that party because of Alex. But I somehow agreed to go because I thought that you will be beside me and he can't even touch my nail. But instead, you hurted and used me to show him.", I said holding my head in between my hands.

"I am sorry Lara. But I really thought that you are cheating on me. I kind of lost it that night because I already started having feelings for you. We had such a good time for those three days. I even told you that I won't divorce you. But when I saw you in his arms that night I was out of my mind. Added to that was I had lost the contract to him which I thought was you who leaked the codes to him.", he said.

"Infact, when you left that night, I didn't try to find about your whereabouts because I thought you left with him. I was hurt. I felt betrayed. But then, I saw the letter you wrote and a book you made about me in the wardrobe. I was surprised to know that you liked me for so long. Then I started searching for you like a mad man. I called mom and she booked the next flight and came here. I called Abilo but even he didn't know anything about you as he was out of town. I felt so guilty when mom told me about your past. I couldn't sleep for nights thinking just about you. I took your phone and used to kill my time seeing our selfies and missing you. I even checked your search history and was surprised to know that you always searched only about me.", he said looking straight into my eyes.

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