Chapter 58

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In the meantime, Caroline visited my grand mom.

"I am really sorry for what Luiz did. He should not have sneaked in your house that way.", she said.

My grand mom did not reply to her. She just bent her head down.

"Please talk something.", Caroline said.

"I have nothing to say. My grand daughter behaves like a love-sick puppy. She says she can't live without him in spite of him hurting her so much.", she said finally.

"Please do not disregard her love. They both love each other.", Caroline said.

"She does. He doesn't.", she said as if she was correcting her.

"I do." I heard a voice from my behind.

Luiz was at the door.

My heart beat escalated.

"I do Mrs. Suzanne. I might not be able to express it well. But I do. I agreed that I hated her initially. But later I started liking her and then, I eventually fell in love with her.", he said.

I stood right there without blinking my eyes.

Is it him who spoke all that just now?

"Oh really? Then why did you hurt her that night?", she asked him.

"I know it was my fault. It was a huge misunderstanding. Please forgive me.", he said.

"Who am I to forgive you. You hurt Lara.", she said.

He bent his head down and then looked at me.

He then took few steps towards me and held my hands.

"Lara, I am extremely sorry for whatever happened. It was entirely my fault. I am sorry for everything I did. It is not just for that night. But for every moment I hurt you for some or the other reason. I love you so much. Please come back and make my life happy again.", he said.

Tears of happiness were pricking down my eyes.

"I forgive you Luiz. But I cannot come and stay with you as my grand mom has to recover.", I said.

"She can stay with us.", Caroline suggested.

I looked at grand mom.

"I will recover well at my home as it is the place where I am adjusted to. We can think about it once I recover. But if you want to go and stay you can do so.", she said looking at me.

"I am not going to leave you in this condition.", I said.

"You stay with her till she recovers.", Caroline said.

I didn't miss the look of disappointment in Luiz's face.

"Fine, we shall leave now. Please take care.", Caroline said.

"Stay healthy and recover fast.", Luiz said to which my grand mom just nodded her head.

Both of them left.

I went to the dispensary to buy some medicines for her and there I saw my dad.

"Dad, what are you doing here?", I asked.

"Lara, are you fine? What brought you to the hospital?", he asked.

"I am fine.", I said.

"How is Luiz treating you now?", he asked.

"I am not living with him now.", I broke the news to him.

"What? Where are you staying then?", he asked.

"I am staying with grand mom.", I said.

"Then why didn't you come to me?", he asked.

"I am sorry dad. I did come. But Maria asked me to leave.", I told.

"Did she hurt you again.", his chest was heaving now.

"Dad relax! It is not something new for me.", I told.

"I feel so sorry for you Lara. I am so ashamed of myself for not taking a proper care of you as a father. I was never there for you when you needed me.", he said.

"Dad please! Lets forget the past.", I said.

"Why did you move out?", he asked.

"We had a misunderstanding which is sorted out now.", I said.

"What misunderstanding?", he asked.

"Dad... it's over. So let's just leave it.", I said.

"If you don't wish to tell me then fine. At least, tell me why are you here?", he asked.

"Grand mom had wheezing.", I said.

"Oh my god! Is she admitted?", he asked.

"Yeah it was emergency. Luiz was there, so he helped me by bringing her here." I said.

"I want to see her.", he said.

"Sure. But why are you here?", I asked.

"The sins committed would come back to you. Its Karma! Maria burnt here hands severely.", he said.

"Oh my god! Is she fine? How did it happen?", I asked him.

"Annie heated oil for her hair massage. Since the oil was too hot, she poured it in a bigger vessel to cool it down and kept it on the table. But Maria thought that it was water and she placed her hands in it for manicure.", he said.

Oh god! It might have burned her skin.

"Now she is seeking treatment for that.", he said.

"I want to see her.", I said.

"First let's meet Suzanne.", my dad said.

Dad met grand mom and they spoke to each other for quite a some time. She most of the time cribbed about me. But dad just listened to her without replying back.

After that we went to Maria.

I didn't care anymore if she is angry on me. I don't know why but I felt like meeting her as I felt bad after hearing what happened to her.

I saw her hands.

They were severely burnt!

I went and stood beside her. Annie was sitting beside her for which I didn't even care after what she did to me.

Maria looked at me.

I very well knew that she would shout at me. But I was ready for it.

"I deserve it!", she said.

A tear rolled down from her left eye.

"I cannot even wipe my tears now.", she said.

"Please don't cry mom.", Annie said and wiped her tear with a clean tissue paper.

"I am sorry Lara. For not giving you a motherly love. I infact treated you like a slave or I can say even worse than that. I ruined your life. And now.. I deserve it.", she said.

"Don't say that. You realized it and that is what is more important.", Is aid.

Hey my High Fliers!!

I strongly believe in karma!!

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