The Surest Finding

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Crouching in front of the pile, (f/n) set her flashlight down. Crimson wet her skin, and she was getting tired of it running down her hands. She seated herself and tore off two strips of her shirt. It wasn't the easiest of things since the shirt was practically brand new, but she managed. Once she wrapped her wrists, she went back to the glinting object.

Carefully, she removed it from the pile. She almost thought that she was seeing things. In her hands, she held a key. The key could unlock anything, but there was a slim chance that it would open the gate. It didn't look like a lost car key, and it appeared to be worn with age. (F/n) glanced back to the other two and held it up. "I found a key!" she called out as quietly as she could.

Immediately, Nick and Tara looked over. Their eyes widened, and they hurried towards her. She handed the key to Nick, and he examined it. A look of hope crossed his eyes. "This might just work, but we shouldn't leave until we find some lock picking gear as well. It would be foolish to depend solely on this." He pocketed it and turned his own flashlight to the pile. Nothing else glinted until the light caught something by the other exit in the room.

The door was ajar, and the three instantly went over. They spared no time in blocking the exit with two tables. Feeling a little safer about their location, they peered back to the pile. Tara walked over and picked up the object. She held a single bobby pin before she tossed it away. "We need something better," she muttered, and (f/n) stepped closer to the pile.

She seated herself again and started to push items aside. Nearing the center, she heard the sound of metal rubbing against metal. Quickly, she pushed more stuff away, and a grin coated her lips. "I think that I found the jackpot." The two focused on where she was looking, and they couldn't help but smile either. In the middle was a lock picking set.

Nick reached in and hugged the item once it was in his arms. "Finally, I have it back. Now, we can get going." They posed no argument. Tara and (f/n) ran back over to the food and water, retrieved it and met him back by the door. (F/n) grabbed a nearby bag and dumped the supplies while Tara took up the position of keeping her flashlight on.

Once they had the tables moved, they exited the dining hall and scanned the hallway. Luckily, the creature wasn't in sight. That was the case until they heard a loud bang behind them. All of them turned their heads and saw the tables in front of the other doors beginning to move. They didn't wait a second longer before they sprinted off to their left. Nick pulled out the map after he hung his gear over his left shoulder. "Okay, we're going to make a right turn up ahead and a left after that. We'll make another right and left. Then, we should be at stairs leading up to the main level."

"How long will it take to get through those hallways?" Tara questioned, all of them not slowing down.

"After the first turn, it'll probably be thirty minutes, twenty if we're lucky. From there, the other three look to be about fifteen minutes each. I'm not sure, but that's how long it's taken to run other hallways their size. And, we can't keep this pace up forever."

"And, the creature will be on us soon. We might have to hide until he passes," (f/n) suggested, not liking the idea, but they didn't have too much of a choice. "When I found Brent, he was hiding with a corpse. Maybe, we can do the same, and the creature may lose our scents. It's worth a shot."

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