The Ugliest Resistance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Ellice held her head down. Her feet were now better, and her body was warm, but her mind and heart were near being ruined. Tears streamed down her face, and her mouth was parched. The constant sound of droplets hitting the floor filled her ears. That was better than the other ones, though.

No longer could her fingers scrap against the chair that she so desperately wanted to get out of. They were bloodied and slipped along the old wood too much. Her eyes didn't look to her right; she didn't want to see her partner. Somehow, she had managed to not reveal any information to the creature, and Lionel encouraged her not to do so, but she was breaking.

"Have you changed your mind? Or, should I try another part of him?" the creature asked as it leaned forward on Lionel's shoulders. Its tongue glided over a crimson part of his cheek and smiled in delight. It didn't mind the slow process at all. The creature had some unexpected meals before him, but it would have to ask (f/n) for another fridge since storage was running low. Then again, it could splurge and eat one or both of them.

Lionel was near to being gone anyway. A few more bites, and he should pass out. It was amazing that he hadn't gone unconscious yet, and it was amusing how he kept giving his partner false hope. The creature's grin remained when the woman didn't answer. She only cried some more. "Still no? Well, alright," the creature answered in a sing-song voice.

Stepping around the human male and facing him, it analyzed the various parts of his face. It found what it wanted and lifted its nails. Before they touched the part, it stopped. "Please, no more. You've already done enough. Please," the woman begged behind it. "Just kill us both already." Her voice was scratchy, but it would make sense after a couple hours of screaming and sobbing.

Giggling, the creature shook its head. "Such a shame. My partner always strives to live. I'm really happy that you're not my little helper. It would be so annoying to have you whining all of the time." Its amusement fell and walked away from Lionel. She became relieved, but her gaze focused on it as it moved closer. Bloody nails glided across her left cheek, and she drew back into her chair more. "Are you really not going to tell me anything?"

She scowled. "No. It would be an insult to Lionel if I gave up the information now. He's endured too much." The creature moved its face forward and peered into her hazel eyes. It could tell that she was being truthful. Even if it continued to take pieces of Lionel, she wouldn't budge, and it wanted to get back to (f/n). Dealing with the two reminded it too much of her and how her blood was so much tastier. Its mouth salivated at the thought of her blood for dessert.

Her firm expression fell. Its face, which had human features, was too close for comfort, and those features made it all the more terrifying. It confused her mind and made her think that a cannibal was before them, but that wasn't the case at all. She could shoot and kill a cannibal, but she couldn't do that to the thing in front of her.

Pulling back from her, the creature headed over to Lionel. She didn't desire for it to continue, and she hesitantly glanced to her partner. Bile rose in her throat, but she pushed it back down. Ellice glanced to his blue eyes, and they were filled with terror. He met her gaze and gave her a small smile. That caused her to break down again. "Just stop this! There's no need for it. Please, he's in so much pain!"

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