The Waviest Checkup

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The phone rang and rang. There wasn't an issue with the signal. (F/n) had checked several times already, but Nick wasn't answering. She knew that the creature hadn't contacted him or even had met with him. He had been at the cabin, and he was now heading back into her town. There was the possibility, though, that he had surprised Nick and caught him off guard in the middle of the night, but she felt that wasn't the case.

Maybe, she shouldn't trust her gut so much on that, but it was her only hope at that point. If Nick didn't answer his phone or even search for more information on the creature, she would reach a dead end. It wouldn't be temporary, but it would certainly feel that way. Leaving the cabin spelled out a dreadful fate for her once the creature reached her. If she could at least gain information from Nick, that would increase her hope for a future without the creature.

She dialed his number again. Almost, she wanted to stop and tap her foot in impatience. Vincent, who had given her his name after they had left the cabin, glanced back to her as he kept moving forward. (F/n) increased her pace and caught up to him, mouthing an apology. He shook his head to indicate that it was alright.

After a fourth ring, the ringing stopped. Nearly, she halted too. She heard an irritated groan from the other side. "Will you stop calling me? I don't know who you are, and I'm trying to work." Almost, she laughed. His response didn't anger her in the slightest; she simply was joyful that he had answered.

"Nick, it's me, (f/n)." There was a long pause on the other end. "Nick? You're still there, right?" Panic began to replace her jubilation. "... Nick?" She could hear slight breathing now on the other end.

"H-h-how? ... How are you alive? The creature ..."

"It's a long story. I know that's an inadequate answer, but I can discus that later with you if there's time. I need information, and I don't know when the creature is going to come back and find me gone."

"Th-then ... Where are you?"

"In the mountains somewhere but don't call for anyone. That'll only alert the creature." He remained silent, but she could hear his unsteady breathing. "Just please tell me if you've found anything out." Desperation entered her voice, and she guaranteed that he could hear it.

"... (F/n) ..." He sighed roughly, and it sounded like a chair moved in the background. "I had found some things. I don't know if they're directly linked to the creature, but they point to something at least similar to it. Honestly, though, I don't know how it's going to help you kill that thing. If anything, I think that it'll only make you more disturbed, especially if it's still after you."

A frown graced her lips. "What had you discovered?" Vincent peered back to her, but her expression told him everything. His own sense of fear developed more, and he increased his pace some. (F/n) stayed beside him, not wanting to slow down either. Her heart beat a little faster, and her grip on the phone tightened.

"I'll need to start packing. If you're still alive after three weeks, then it means that you have quite a bit of value to that thing. And if you've escaped it, it's going to be on your tail soon. Most likely, it'll figure out that you called me too, and it'll come after me ... Just sh*t. F*cking sh*t." He cursed a few more times, and she heard a chair move again.

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