The Wettest Turmoil

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Both of them collided to the cement floor. She heard a groan come from him, but she knew that he would recovered in the next second. (F/n) pushed herself off of him before she rolled to her left. Instantly, she grabbed the two sides of the chain and went to wrap them around his neck. Before the metal could even touch there, his left hand shot out and grabbed hold of the item. A nightmarish giggle echoed throughout the room.

Sparks flared in his pale eyes, and a horrific grin painted his lips. "You would use the same chain that my grandfather had utilized on me?" He giggled and locked his eyes with hers. She froze with pure terror. "I suppose that it's better than my father's nails." His hand gripped the metal more before it snapped in half.

Her heartbeat increased exponentially before it couldn't do so anymore. Almost, she fell back out of trepidation. "But, I'm not a little kid anymore." He giggled again, but it was more high-pitched than the last one. "A toy like that is simply too weak, my partner." The creature emphasized every letter of the nickname before his left hand shot out towards her.

Speedily, she jumped back and almost tripped on herself. She backed up towards the stairs out of instinct. The creature remained on the ground, but he only appeared more frightening. It looked as though death was climbing out of the depths of the earth towards her. What managed to terrify her more, though, was the fact that she just had failed. Her parents ... Her parents ... Her parents!

She started to shake her head; she had reacted too quickly and had signed their death sentences. The creature grinned, understanding perfectly what was going through her mind. He waggled his right index finger. "Now, now, don't get too caught up in that." Slowly, he stood. "I'll overlook that action of yours just now. You only had been playing. Like I had said, that chain only had been a toy."

His soft footfalls steadily advanced towards her. "Still, a toy requires punishment, but I need to inform you of something first before we get to that." She didn't wait around. Before she fully understood what she was doing, she found herself racing up the stairs. (F/n) noted that the trap door was open, which made her ascent all the easier.

Not once did the teen glance back. She didn't wish to be reminded of the stairwell in the tunnels. That had been even more torturous. The teen, however, did hear his footsteps behind her. Her feet moved faster, and she raced out into the natural light. Both of her eyes darted around.

In front of the door remained the table, but she saw that one of the windows had been opened. She foolishly had forgotten to lock them, but she could use that as an escape now. The cabin in the end had turned into purely a trap. No solution was given to her. Yes, she had learned more about the creature but at what cost? After the mountains, she just should've kept running, but her cursed curiosity and determination to kill him had outweighed that decision. Mentally, she swore before she took off towards the window.

As if he anticipated her next move, he raced towards the window. Before she step closer, he was right in front of her. She felt paralyzed until he reached out for her. Her feet carried her quickly back before she spun on her heel and ran for the bathroom. There was still the mirror. It was a long shot, but it could work. Could she risk failing again, though? The teen doubted that he would overlook a second try, but she could possess the glass as a means to protect herself. That wasn't killing him unless she struck a lucky hit.

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