The Happiest Painter

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Groggily, (f/n) opened her eyes. There wasn't darkness surrounding her even though she had been expecting it to be there. Rather, she was sitting right up and leaning against the right car door of the backseat. She looked around her, but she didn't spot Krista. The door across from her was wide open, and the car wasn't moving either.

A cold breeze swept in. Her arms felt frozen from being ... exposed. (F/n) glanced down, and her eyes widened before she cursed quietly. The jacket was gone. In its place were the red and blue lines from the drawing, though, all in red paint.

Her eyes centered on the tip of her nose, and she found paint to be there too. Both of her hands lacked the markings, though, and she still had her pants and shoes on. Thankfully, her shirt remained on her too, but if she didn't escape, none of those items would cover her body for long.

It didn't help that her head ached horribly and that her wrists and ankles remained bound. Worming her way out of the car and into the snow probably wouldn't be the best of ideas. She wouldn't get far, and she most likely would freeze to death if she somehow managed to evade Krista.

All of her thoughts met a crashing halt, however. The door behind her opened. Caught off guard, she fell backwards, but two hands held her up. Above her, she saw Krista. A sickening grin decorated the woman's lips, and her eyes gleamed sadistically. "I'm glad that you're awake." Both of the woman's hands gripped the teen's upper arms tightly. (F/n) winced in response. "If you try to escape or struggle when I paint you, I'll knock you out again. Sound fair?"

"What would be fair is if you let me go and sacrifice yourself to the creature." The teen glowered at the woman and tugged against her bonds. Before (f/n) could utter another word, Krista placed her right hand over the teen's mouth. Instantly, (f/n) bit her. Krista, though, didn't seem the least bit bothered by it.

Shaking her head, the woman stared to the teen as though she was an ignorant child. "I'm not sacrificing you. I'm giving it what it wants, and I'll gain its favor by that." (F/n)'s voice was muffled by her hand. "Have you heard about that myth, which might discuss the creature's ancient relative?" The teen couldn't help but freeze before she thrashed around violently.

Immediately, Krista tugged the teen out a little more and kneed her in the back. A gasp of pain left the teen, and Krista tossed (f/n) back into the car. The woman grabbed the teen's legs and dragged her out, but (f/n) continued to struggle. Her body squirmed until Krista sat her upright.

Grabbing the bonds around her captive's wrists, Krista leaned in close. (F/n), however, slammed her head forward only for Krista to back up in time. The woman shook her head in disappointment before she lifted her left leg and kicked her captive in the midsection. A groan escaped the teen as her back collided with the seat. "Try anything else, and I'll knock you out. That's your last warning, but," she smiled widely, "I have my answer."

Leaning against the door, Krista smirked. "You do know about the myth, though; I think that it's quite true. It's probably what had happened to that man's daughter, Jiselle. She had birthed the present creature and had died as a result unless she had a mercy kill by her partner beforehand, and the creature probably had killed its grandfather. As for its father, it's probably dead too, though; I could be wrong on that." She pushed herself off of the door and chuckled.

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