The Severest Connection

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Even though the creature covered his eyes briefly, it wasn't that bright outside. It was snowing, and ice formed on the driveway. A frown covered her lips when her smirk fell, but his soft footfalls made that disappear too. She glanced over her left shoulder and saw that the creature had his sunglasses back on. (F/n) tried to step to her left side, but his right hand pulled her back.

Amusement was written on his countenance, but she could tell that he was annoyed too. His right hand released her, and he gave her a warning glance to stay there. (F/n), however, had other plans to race for her room door and retrieve breakfast. While his hands reached up to close the curtains, she caught sight of someone out of the corners of her eyes.

Her entire head turned their way, and she froze. Haley was leaving her car. (F/n)'s heart beat rapidly, and she pushed herself off of the wall. The creature looked to her, wondering why she was coming towards him. His little helper didn't even glance to him. Instead, her fingers reached for the curtains.

Just as they touched the fabric, Haley peered up. (F/n)'s hands caught the fabric, but they weren't fast enough. Rather, they slipped down, but the creature caught her before she collided into the window. His hands were on her shoulders, and he now noted the problem. Haley's dark blue eyes widened, and her mouth was agape.

(F/n) felt the creature's nails against her shoulder, and she saw Haley's eyes go straight towards them. The younger teen took a step back and shook her head in disbelief. Cursing, (f/n) pushed the creature's hands off of her and darted.

He didn't stop her. That girl did have to be caught, and it was possible that she was Haley. A smirk stayed on his lips, however. The creature heard his partner open and close her room door. Her slippers were missing as were the keys to her parents' car.

Things had definitely taken a turn that he wasn't expecting, but he would use the situation to his advantage. The creature pulled up his hood and adjusted his sunglasses a bit. Before he left, however, he would need a few things. He had a feeling that he would have to enter hiding again. A sigh left him since he didn't wish to leave her home so soon, but there were opportunities present also.

As he prepared himself, (f/n) bolted through her home. Neither of her parents was inside, and the front door was unlocked. The pain in her back didn't even register as she ran; she was only concerned about getting to Haley in time. (F/n) threw open the entrance door and ignored completely the pain in her right hand from it. She shut the door after her and raced towards her car.

Still, she didn't spot her parents, but they were probably farther out in the cemetery. She diverted her attention back to the front of her, but she nearly slipped on the ice. (F/n) managed to catch herself; however, she heard an engine start up. Ahead of, Haley was beginning to back out. The younger teen eye's met hers, and (f/n) noted that she was crying. Haley shook her head again and turned the car quickly before she sped off.

"Sh*t!" (f/n) yelled. The two guards at the front of the funeral home already were bolting towards her. She managed to change her gaze into one of complete worry. They reached her and one of them was about to talk, but she caught him off. "I think that she saw something in the cemetery." (F/n) pointed in the direction straight from her window. "I think that I sighted something too. It might've been the creature." Fear dominated her gaze. "I think that ... I think that ... h-he's back."

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