Ch: 2 (old)

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I watched as a group of 5 people approached the tree I was in. Two of them held the Heartfire virus as the others had brown and green eyes. The leader of the small group approached my mother and stared at me before looking back at the two zombies.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Long story short, zombie attack, the zombie got hold of Anya, it scratched Anya, both zombies are dead," Sarah told the man.

One of the men who didn't have the Heartfire virus says, "see! I told you I guys I saw two zombies but you didn't believe me!"

"Well, how were we supposed to know when we always trick other people?" A women with brown eyes told him.

"I think he's learned his lesson now," the one who appears to be the leader of the small group of people that came out says. "Are you infected?" He asked me. I didn't say anything as I'm sure that I'm still shocked by what happened. My memory kept wanting to go back to when Emma got infected and I refused to relive that day.

"We don't know." My mother told him, she probably noticed that I didn't want to talk. "She hadn't said anything since it happened either."

"Can you come down?" Someone from the group asked. She was one of the ones who didn't have the Heartfire virus, I recognized her as Ninetta. She has vibrant red hair and green eyes. She was the head nurse here which is probably why she had come out with this group.

I thought back to the two zombies and shook my head. I know it was unlikely that there where other zombies hiding in the forest but my paranoia kept telling me otherwise.

"Come down, the danger has passed." My mother told me. "And even if there are more, there are plenty of us to protect you."

After some time of me being in this tree, my rational thoughts came back and told me that it was very unlikely of there being more zombies, I was safer in the Stronghold than outside of it in a tree. I hesitantly agreed to come out of the tree. I slowly started to climb down but then I slipped and fell out of the tree. I screamed as I fell; however, I never hit the ground. I opened my eyes to find that my mother had caught me. She placed me down and I stumbled backward as I stood there. I braced myself against the tree just so I wouldn't fall. Pain sprung up my leg as I had put my weight on it. I shifted my body to have my weight more on my left leg rather than on my right leg. The scratches from the zombie were near my ankle on my right leg.

"Do you need help getting back?" Ninetta asked me.

I closed my eyes as pain surged up my right leg again, except this time it felt like fire and it continued through the rest of my body. My chest started to hurt, it felt like I had a heartburn. I sank to the ground before opening up my eyes. My vision was blurry and it was hard to make out anything. I heard voices around me but I couldn't make out any words.

~3rd POV~

Anya sank to the ground before opening up her eyes. They were a brightly glowing color of grey. The scratches from where the zombie had cut her were still lightly bleeding red blood.

"What is going on?" Sarah asked in a panicked voice.

"Is she infected?" Isabella asked the group of people around them.

"Get her to the nursing area and I'll check a few things," Ninetta told them. "And I don't know."

Anya closed her eyes again before falling unconscious. The two men who had the heartfire virus from the group came out and picked up Anya and took her inside the Stronghold.

~Anya's POV~

I was playing on the playground with Emma. Her long dirty blonde hair flew back as a gust of wind ran by us. Her crystalline blue eyes reflected the sun's light as the sun slowly crept below the horizon.

"Time to go, it's getting late." I heard my father tell us.

I looked over at the person with dark brown hair and lightly glowing blue eyes pleadingly, "can't we just stay out a bit longer?"

"The sun will be asleep soon, and you two need to go to bed too," Father told us.

"Pretty please?" Emma and I both pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

He looked at us as if debating something before giving in, "alright but only for another 20 minutes."

"Yay!" Emma and I both said in joy. I glanced at Emma, "race you to the swings?"

"Sure!" Emma said in excitement. We darted off towards the swings which were at least 5 feet away from the sandbox we were currently in. I ran as fast as I could and got to the swings a couple of seconds before Emma got here.

"I win!" I yelled.

"Let's swing!" Emma tells me. We both climbed into the low child swings and started swinging. Emma was swinging higher than I was. "Look at me!" Emma yelled.

"I see!" I told her. I got off of the swing, bored with it now. Emma slowed her swing to a stop. We both looked at daddy who was talking to another person. Something seemed wrong by the way that they acted.

Daddy turned around to face us, "Get to high ground and don't come down. I've got to do something." Daddy then ran off with the man that he was just talking to.

I turned to Emma and questioned her, "what do you think is wrong?"

"I don't know but it seemed important with the way that Daddy spoke to us," Emma told me. "Do you think we are in trouble?"

"No," I told her. "If we were then he would have told us so."

"Then why did he sound like it was so important?" Emma told me.

"It probably was," I told her. "Let's do what he told us to."

"Alright," Emma told me. "But what is high ground?"

I looked around us but the only thing that was high that we could get to was the monkey bars. "The monkey bars are pretty high, let get on top of those."

"Race you?" Emma asked me.

"Yes!" I told her. The monkey bars were on the other side of the sandbox. "Ready, set, go!" I yelled and we both took off. As we ran we had to jump over the sides of the sandbox. I got to the monkey bars first and climbed on top of them before looking back at Emma. She tripped and fell over one of the sides of the sandbox. I looked around and saw someone else approaching us, they had glowing red eyes. Mommy and daddy told us that those people were dangerous and to never let them get you. "Hurry up!" I yelled at Emma. Emma turned around and saw the mean person approaching us before hightailing it over to the monkey bars. The person saw her running and ran over to us, the person was growling, strange.

Emma jumped up to the monkey bars but had trouble getting on top of them. The person saw this and grabbed one of her legs and tried to pull her down. Emma screamed as the person bit into her right leg. I grabbed hold of Emma and helped pull her on top of the monkey bars. It got easier when Emma kicked the person in the head with her left leg and the person let go of Emma. I then helped her get on top of the monkey bars, the person below acted like they wanted to get us but didn't know how to. They growled a lot at us.

I noticed that daddy came around one of the buildings and got the persons attention before leading them away. He then came back and asked if we were alright. He saw the bite mark on Emma's leg and told us that she would be alright as he and mommy got something that would prevent us from acting like that person. We had asked him how he knew that it would help us if only they got it. He told us that we would have been born with it running through our veins, so Emma and I didn't worry too much about that.

Later we were all with mommy inside our house, eating dinner. Soon after dinner, we were playing games in the living room. Emma told them that she wasn't feeling too good, mom and dad passed it by saying that it was probably because we were getting tired. After all, we would have normally gone to bed two hours ago.

Emma suddenly fell to the floor and started shaking violently. Our parents were worried, mommy took me into my bedroom and closed the door and locked it while daddy stayed behind with Emma. I heard growling coming from the living room before silence once more fell upon the house. Mommy laid in my bed beside me and told me to go to sleep, and I did.

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