Ch: 12 (old)

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~Sarah's POV~

"What happened in there...?" I asked Ninetta.

"Xavier decided he was going to kill Anya, and so Ryan had to escort him from the building," Ninetta tells me.

"Kill her...?" I asked Ninetta worriedly. "She's still her right...?"

"Yes," Ninetta tells me as she tosses some keys at me to which I caught. "You can go in if you want." Ninetta and the other nurse then started to walk down the hallway, towards the stairs that lead to the first floor.

I went over to open the door to find that it was locked. I took the key that Ninetta gave me and inserted it into the keyhole. The key went in and I turned the door, there was a slight click that I'm sure if I didn't have the Heartfire virus then I wouldn't have heard the slight click of the doorknob, signifying that the door was unlocked. I went into Anya's room and found that she wasn't shaking anymore. However, she still had the slow rise and fall of her chest that indicated that she was still breathing. I went over to her and noticed that she wasn't restrained to the bed anymore. I sat right beside her and stroked her arm, she started to shift away from me.

~Ninetta's POV~

Briella, the blond-haired nurse who helped to tie up Xavier, and I both took Anya's blood sample and put it under the microscope. When I looked at it, the zombie virus was all but gone; however, the Heartfire virus cells that combined with Anya's cells were now destroying the remaining cells that had no one to pair up with and those cells just so happened to be Anya's cells. So, maybe that's why...? I asked myself, referring to Anya's seizer like shaking.

~Anya's POV~

As I came back to the land of the living, I felt someone stroking my arm. I moved away from them and somehow landed on the floor. "Ahh!" I screamed as I hit the floor. My back was now hurting me and so was everything else. I don't even know how I could've been laying down for so long in the first place.

"Hey, are you alright...?" I heard a voice say from behind me, I think it was Sarah. I opened my eyes and looked behind me to see Sarah staring at me, eyes wide open.

"W-what is i-it...?" I asked, my voice not as broken as before but you can clearly hear that I'm in pain.

"Can you stand...?" Sarah asked me.

I slowly moved my hand across the floor to stand up but my body didn't want to. I closed my eyes and pulled my hands to my chest as I felt a pain go through my chest. I felt Sarah grab my hands and she pulled me up to stand.

~Sarah's POV~

I helped Anya stand up, who was still swaying while being on her feet. Luckily there was a treadmill in the corner of the room, they have a treadmill in every patient room in the medical building. I helped Anya onto the treadmill before I turned it on. At first, it was at a slow walk but as Anya started to warm up to the exercise, I bumped it up to a slow jog before shortly she was at a full on run. (This happens in a much longer amount of time than it seems.)

As Anya was running, I noticed that she didn't seem to put much effort into it after a while and her eyes had stopped glowing grey and reverted back to her normal bright blue color. After a while, I noticed that the sun was about to set and I was feeling a pins and needles sensation in my own body. "I've gotta go for a run," I told Anya, who was still on the treadmill.

~Anya's POV~

"I've gotta go for a run." I heard Sarah finally say something after just watching me for what felt like hours. "I'm sure your starving, I'll get Ninetta to bring you something to eat on my way out."

"O-ok," I told Sarah, this time my voice wasn't cracking nor showing any signs of myself in pain. However, it did sound sleepy but I don't know why as I sleep for 4 or so straight days. Sometimes I don't know what I want I guess. I stopped walking on the treadmill and watched as Sarah walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. It sounded a bit louder than how I remember a door closing sounded, I then heard a not so silent click of the lock, something I've never been able to her before. I turned the treadmill back on and started walking on it once more before my walk changed into that of a jog.

A couple of minutes later and I heard the lock on the door click before the door opened, I've so gotta get used to that. I told myself as the person who unlocked and opened the door came in bearing a tray of vegetables and a piece of meat the size of half of the plate. They must've caught a couple of large animals while I was out for them to hand me a piece that big as normally we get a piece of meat about half the size of the meat on the plate. I looked up at the person as they sat the plate at a table in the corner of the room, the table only had two chairs at it.

"I see your looking better." I heard Ninetta tell me as she sat the plate on the table. "I bet your probably starving."

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