Ch: 9 (old)

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~Anya's POV~

Everything hurts, again. What happened? I asked myself as I felt my body roll to the side. My muscles hurt as if I haven't moved for a couple of days. I tried to open my eyes but all I saw was white light, so I closed them again. Am I dead? I asked myself. I should be or close to dead. I thought as I suddenly remembered what had happened. I had cuts all over my arms and legs and I think, I think I felt blood or something cover me right before I lost consciousness. But if it was the zombie's blood that got all over me, then shouldn't I be unconscious? I asked myself as I tried to open my eyes once more. This time the light in the room didn't flood my eyes, well not as much as it did as the room slowly comes into my view. The first thing I noticed was that I was staring up at the ceiling. When I tried to move my arm to get up, I noticed that something was preventing me from getting up from the bed. I looked up at my right arm to find a chain which chained me to the bed. Also when I moved my arm, I felt a shot of pens and needles which surged up my arm. It felt like the ones I got when I didn't move for a long period of time, only about twice or three times as worse. A shiver ran down my spine as a few tears collected in my eyes from the pain I felt.

I sat up in the bed, as that's as much as the chain would let me, and I felt a burning sensation in my chest and my throat felt sore. I placed my hand up to my throat as if that would ease it down, I was wrong. I looked down at my legs, as I didn't have a blanket on, and noticed that there were no marks or even bruises. How could that be...? I ask myself?

"Oh good your up and you aren't a zombie." I heard a voice jokingly say although there was a serious tone to her as well. I turned towards the door and saw the Ninetta, her green eyes staring straight towards me kind of creeped me out.

"H-how long...was I-I out for...?" I asked her, my voice was shaky and sounded like I was in pain. Which I was but I tried to hide it but she saw right through me.

"Four days," Ninetta tells me. " were introduced to the zombie virus."

"What...?!" I asked her, that small outburst caused my chest to hurt. I put my uncuffed hand up to my chest and closed my eyes while tilting my head against the headboard of the bed.

"Are you alright...?" Ninetta asked me.

"'s l-like fire is r-running through my v-veins..." I told Ninetta, my voice faded out.

"Open your eyes," Ninetta tells me.

~Ninetta's POV~

"Open your eyes," I told Anya as she had them closed. She looked like she was in pain, much like how someone with Heartfire would be if they didn't exercise for a while. When she opened her eyes, they were a bright grey but had a lining of red around her iris. Her eyes glowing had taken me by complete surprise. I took a syringe from my pocket and looked at Anya. She saw the needle and knew what I was gonna do. I found a place on her arm and took some blood from her. Her blood was still red, so she still didn't seem to have the Heartfire virus or at least by a glance at her blood. As with the amount of pain she seems to be in, a person with Heartfire would have blood that's not red unless that's the color that their eyes glow and her eyes are glowing grey.

After I took some of Anya's blood, I quickly left the room and placed a drop of it under the microscope. I watched as some cells in her blood were identifying the zombie virus, which still showed up in her blood, and was taking them out. However, the zombie virus was identifying those cells and taking them out as well.

"Hey, Ninetta." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around and noticed that it was the girl from Sanctuary, I think her name was Laura. "How's Anya...?"

"She's awake," Ninetta tells me. "But there's something cool you should know."

"Which is...?" The girl asked me.

"She seems to be fighting off the zombie virus but if this keeps up at this pace, she will lose," I told the girl.

"Just the fact that her cells are fighting it off is just astounding," Laura tells me. "So, I assume what you were looking at when I walked in here is a sample of her blood...?"

"Yes," I told the girl.

"Did you try to introduce the Heartfire virus...?" She asked me.

"We don't have any in the contagious form and we haven't been able to produce it," I told her.

"Just give me a syringe." She told me. "It's not that hard to make it contagious." I handed her a clean syringe and she closed her eyes, when she opened them again, they were glowing a bright magenta color. I could see her shiver before she took the syringe and drew some of her blood. The blood that came out wasn't just magenta in color, it seemed to be glowing. She then handed me the syringe before she took a seat. You make it visible within yourself...? That's interesting. I told myself as I went back to Anya's blood sample in the microscope. I looked through the eyepiece and dropped a drop of Laura's Heartfire contagious blood into Anya's. The Heartfire blood started to attack everything, the zombie virus, and Anya's cells. Anya's cells seemed too focused on attacking the zombie virus to take knowledge of the Heartfire virus. The Heartfire virus seemed to make the zombie virus its priority as the Heartfire virus was only eliminating Anya's cells that got in its way and because of this, the zombie virus was quickly eliminated from Anya's blood sample. When the zombie virus was gone, the Heartfire virus didn't go on to fighting Anya's cells, which was strange as the Heartfire virus destroys anything that isn't it. What was even stranger was that the Heartfire virus was fighting Anya's cells while the zombie virus was in the sample. "This is strange."

"What is...?" I heard the girl, Laura, ask.

"Just take a look," I told her as I got away from the microscope and let Laura take a look.

She went over to the microscope and looked through the eyepiece. "This is strange, it looks like the Heartfire virus is connecting with the remaining cells that Anya has." She then backed away to let me see.

It's exactly like she said, the Heartfire virus is joining together with Anya's cells. Once that is all complete, the joint cells seemed to be destroying the remaining Heartfire cells which haven't joint together with Anya's cells as there's nothing left to join with.

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