chapter six

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The end of the week was fast approaching, which meant that Alaina and Bella would be going to La Push with their friends, or more accurately, their lunch table. "Friends" was pushing it. Bella had been asked to go to the beach a few weeks ago and she practically begged Alaina to accompany her with the rest of the students that sat with them at school. Alaina didn't want to go, and she had been trying to think of excuses not to go for days, but she soon (Against my will, she thought) found herself next to Bella in her truck while they barreled through Forks, Washington.

"Do we have to go?" She whined as Bella drove to Newton's Olympic Outfitters, the sporting goods store that was owned by Mike's parents, which was their meeting spot. "Please don't make me go."

"You're being a little dramatic, Alaina," Bella laughed, pulling in to the parking lot of the store. "I don't particularly want to go either, but it's too late to back out now."

Alaina groaned, seeing Lauren and Mike already chatting animatedly by Tyler's van. Lauren acted as if she was the queen of Forks High who gossiped her way to the throne. She was needlessly cruel and willing to say whatever she needed to become popular. During lunch, Lauren would almost always give a snide comment when Alaina said something, so she tried to stay as far away from her as possible.

"I'm not riding with her," Alaina stated as Bella made her way to an empty parking spot.

"Well, I'm driving and there's only enough room for us, so no need to worry," Bella said, parking her truck. "I don't particularly like her much either if we're being honest."

Mike eagerly bounced to the two girls as they both got out of the truck. "Detroit! Arizona!" He yelled, jogging over to them. Alaina could see Lauren scowling as she turned around to talk to Jessica, stealing potent glances towards Bella and Alaina. "You guys are riding with me!"

Bella interjected, "Actually, I'm going to drive us. Hope you don't mind."

Mike rolled his eyes playfully. "Don't be silly! There's no use taking more cars than we need to!"

"My dad doesn't know you guys so he's just more comfortable with me riding with Bella," Alaina said quickly, shrugging. It wasn't completely a lie, but she knew it would get Mike off their backs.

"Oh, okay," Mike said sadly, obviously crestfallen. Alaina knew that he wanted to spend more alone time with Bella but she was making it exceedingly difficult. "Well, let's get going then."

Alaina and Bella got into her truck, and the other Forks high school students began divvying themselves up into the remaining cars. Mike pulled out of the parking lot onto the main road, Bella following closely behind.

They began speeding through the hilly pacific northwest terrain, past the lush green trees and the salty air. Weaving in and out of the Pacific Northwest hills was nothing new to Alaina, but she couldn't help but look out her window in awe. "I didn't realize Forks could be so beautiful," she said quietly, her eyes darting around as quickly as possible as not to miss anything. Detroit was about as flat as it could be and didn't hold nearly as much of the natural beauty that Forks had.

"Technically, we are in La Push," Bella said, pulling into the parking lot of the beach. "Forks isn't beautiful."

"Maybe not," Alaina said as the truck pulled to a stop, a devilish grin on her lips. "But the people sure are."

Alaina glanced over at Bella who instantly blushed. "Oh, stop that," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry Edward couldn't come," Alaina said shrugging. "He's obviously into you. Like, painfully obvious. It physically hurts me watching you two flirt with each other in bio, just so you know."

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