chapter eighteen

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CONTENT WARNING: Sexual Assault mirroring current events. A lot of content was taken directly from court case documents. Rating changed to M and stay as such until the end of the book.

Disclaimer: This is a completely unrealistic court setting for dramatic purposes only. In real life, these things can be drawn out for weeks, months, and even years, and the defendant typically wouldn't know their sentences immediately. As this is fanfiction about vampires, I think we can just pretend this is how the court works :)

Everyone in the courtroom held their breath as the judge was given the piece of paper with the verdict. Her knuckles were gripping the sides of the chair so tightly, they were turning white. Time seemed to stand still as he looked over the decision of the jury. Alaina watched as his eyes scanned the paper and she realized she was holding her breath.

"The jury finds mister Bryce Townsend guilty on all counts of sexual assault. The maximum sentence for these crimes is 14 years, but we will be handing down one year of probation and 500 hours of community service. Mr. Townsend will also have to register as a sex offender for life."

Several people gasped out loud and could hear Bryce's mother let out a loud sob. Whether that was a happy or disappointed cry, Alaina would never know. Bitterly, she hoped his mother was upset, but she had a feeling she was pleased her son didn't have to serve a day in jail. The judge waited a few moments for the room to quiet down, and when it did, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"A longer prison sentence would have a debilitating impact on this fine young man," the judge continued. "I do not think he is a danger to himself or others and I trust his version of the events, even though it is obvious that the jury did not. I understand that your life, Ms. Pawlowska, has been devastated by these events -- not only the incidents that happened but the criminal process as well.

"Regarding my decision to grant probation, I have to contemplate: is a prison for this defendant an antidote to that poison? Is incarceration in state prison the right answer for the poisoning of her life?"

Alaina shivered. How was this judge actually comparing feeling sorry for giving a rapist prison time over the feelings of the person who was raped?

"So in conclusion, my decision is final. Mr. Townsend, you will be contacted directly by your probationary officer. And Ms. Pawlowska, you and your family are free to go."

For a brief moment, Alaina felt as if her life was ruined. The boy that raped her and caused her so much pain and so much anguish was barely getting a slap on the wrist, while she had to learn how to live again. How to love her body again. How to feel comfortable in her own skin.

But after the brief moment of rage passed, a wave of calm washed over her body like a wave. It was over; it was finally over. This entire messy, disgusting, infuriating process was over. She never would have to think about this disgusting excuse of a human ever again. She had friends, family, and a boyfriend that cared about her more than anything, and she knew, at this moment, all Bryce had was money and his family name. She would take what she had over dollar bills any day. Despite herself, she smiled.

The judge knocked the gavel on the bench. "Court dismissed." Immediately, a wall of sound and flashes erupted in the court. It was deafening and Alaina couldn't help but cover her ears, desperately trying to drown out the sound.

Alaina was quickly ushered out of the courtroom by her lawyer, avoiding as many people and cameras as possible. She was in shock; the unthinkable happened -- he was tried and convicted. Although the sentence was far too lenient, Bryce Townsend was convicted of sexual assault. This would shake the state to the core and she was forever grateful that she wouldn't be around to witness it.

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