Just something I need to say.

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I know, I know.

It's a dick move to not update for almost a month now and then come back without a chapter.

But I need to get this off my chest.

Prepare for some cringe inducing stuff.

*inhales and exhales loudly


So, Imagine this.

Wattpad is the night sky. Our stories (stars) dot the endless canvas, shining bright and illuminating the world. Each one has its own shine, it's own glimmer and its own style.

But most importantly, it has different mass.

Mass are our ideas, our fuel for our stories, our fan fictions, our non fictions, our random meme sharing books. They make up the materials that create these chapters.

And like real life, they burn.

They burn, disintegrating, keeping the stars alight for just that little bit longer, keeping the beauty in that sky for as long as it can.

Until it completely dies.

And so does the star.

Leaving a masterpiece, gone.


The story ends, unfinished.

But that's not always the case.

Sometimes, the star, while still burning, will pick up materials, letting it shine longer, until it is finally content, and can die down.

This star is dying.

It's running low on mass.

It's as light as a feather.

But it's not gone yet.

In time, it can gather more materials.

In fact, it has.

It just doesn't know how to burn them efficiently.

Currently, it's younger sibling (Student Problems, A DDLC Fanfiction) is heavier, ideas bursting forth from its center in a small light show that doesn't seem to be running out any time soon.

The older star looks at it's sibling, and sighs.

It'll shine once again, soon.


So... that was something.

God, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

Just writing down thoughts like this is some diary.

I'm sorry for not updating for a while, I've just been pretty disinterested.

Also, I got about 5k reads in one week while I was gone.


If you want to go check out Student Problems, go ahead, if you don't want to, then you might be bored while waiting, which I apologize for.

Sorry again for not updating that often.


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