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You woke up at 4 am. Blinking open your eyes, you groggily rubbed them. The first thing you notice was that you were in your room; that was strange because you were sure you had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie and you lived alone so who could have brought you here? The second thing you noticed was that the cats were gone: you could understand if Bone was missing, he was a bit weird and would disappear places sometimes, however, neither Biscuit no Red was in sight, and they were usually very clingy. 

Your head snapped up when you heard a crash from the kitchen and then hushed whispers. 

"Would you keep it down Alois? You are going to wake her up!" One voice growled quietly.

"Well, I am sorry, that I forgot how to use my hands, Pirate!" Another voice said, stretching out 'pirate' tauntingly.

"Oh la la, Bassy even though you are cute as a cat you are much sexier as in your natural state!" A girlish voice said loudly. More crashing followed... 

"Stop trying to run away from our love Bassy!"

"Please stop, making a fool of yourself, Grell." Said a smooth voice that sounded strict and was devoid of any sort of emotion.

"Willy, don't be jealous!" replied the girlish voice.

"My name is William, and I am not saying this out of jealousy, but because of the fact that you are going to wake her up with your high pitched screams." The previous voice countered. 

In the background, there was more crashing and loud laughter. That's when you realized: intruders. Shakily you stood up, throwing your legs over the side of the bed and putting on your glasses to try and find some sort of weapon. Luckily, for such on occasion you did keep a bat in your room. Not that you were super sporty or played baseball, but living alone was scary, and having at least some kind of weapon at your disposal gave you a bit of comfort.

Bat in hand you slowly made your way down the hall towards your stairs as the crashing continued.

"Ow ow ow! Claude! Ciel just stepped on my foot!" A person you presumed to be called 'Alois' whined.

"What do you want me to do your highness?" replied a stoic voice that sounded so done with everyone's bullshit.

"I want you to fight Sebastian!" Alois commanded

"Sebastian!" said another voice

Just before more crashing was heard you opened the door to the kitchen, making everyone's head turn in your direction. You almost dropped the bat at the sight that was in front of you. 

Your kitchen was in shambles. Broken glass was on the floor the fridge was open as if someone went digging through it, butter knives had been embedded into your walls as if somebody was throwing them. In the center of the mess stood seven men, well two of them were more like teenagers. One of the men had another pinned to the floor with a butter knife at his throat, however, nobody moved a muscle as all 8 of you were locked in a stare off. 

 Suddenly a blonde boy with electric blue eyes tackled you in a hug making you lose your footing and fall back on the floor with the strange boy still on top of you. 

"Aw (Y/N)! You woke up! You came here to see me!" He screamed. At this point, you were beyond confused, who was this man?

"Don't be stupid Alois, why would she come down to see you!" A blue-haired boy with an eyepatch spoke. Making Alois glare at him with all his might.

"Ow..." You said because you hit the floor pretty hard. 

"Sebastian get him off of her!" The boy with the eyepatch ordered. Immediately Alois was lifted off of you by a tall slender man, who looked to be in his twenties and possessed deep crimson eyes. After putting aside a fuming Alois, he knelt down and offered you a gloved hand to take. 

Instead of taking it however you merely scooted away from him until your back hit the wall, shivering in fright. You didn't know these men, but they seemed to know you. 

"Aw aren't you so cute! You little thing!" Gushed a man, or woman you weren't totally sure. They had long red hair that would put Rapunzel herself to shame, and their clothes were also startlingly red. 

He was about to hug you too, before a man in glasses and a sharp looking suit, restrained him with his... Shears? 

"Grell stop. Now." He said calmly but in an annoyed tone.  

"You never let me do anything fun!" Grell whined. You heard laughter realizing it was a man, with really long grey hair, a funny hat and a scar running down his face. 

"W-what..? Who? Who are you?" You managed to speak not without stuttering. 

The seven men eyed each other, before another one with glasses and golden eyes spoke nonchalantly, without any type of emotion present in his voice. 

"We are your cats."

There was silence for a second as you furrowed your eyebrows at his baseless statement.


Just A Box (cat! black butler x modern! reader)Where stories live. Discover now