New Truths

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As you walked into the kitchen, Ciel trailing behind with a concerned look upon his visage. You saw Sebastian turn his head to you and then to the cats in your arms. The cats in the turn started wriggling like leeches as if they wanted to tell you something, but of course they couldn't. Ciel said they were cats and Ciel wouldn't lie to you, right? A seed of doubt began to grow inside you as Ciel whispered something in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian in his turn glanced over at you as he paled even more if that was possible. His crimson piercing eyes trailed upward from the cats in your arms and to your face as his gaze softened at your suspicious features. He took long striding steps towards you as he gently used a gloved hand to lift your chin up,
"Kitten, how about I take the cats for now, we need to get you to lunch." He spoke in a soft, husky voice, getting dangerously close to your beet red face, so close that you could feel his warm breath fanning your face. Your legs in the moment felt like they had turned to jelly as his hands pried the wriggling cats of your numbed ones. Sebastian couldn't help but relish at his closeness to you and the helpless expression on your face . You looked innocent like a lost lamb wandering too close to the wolf's den, and he was the wolf.
You heard Ciel clear his throat behind you as you caught a hint of jealousy in his gaze although at the time you could not quite place what the expression it was. It was then you noticed that both the cats and Sebastian had already left the room and Ciel was leading you to the dining with a sure hand placed on your lower back to guide you.
When you got to the dining room everyone was already seated, so quickly you took your spot between Alois and Undertaker.
"You guys did not have to wait for me!"
"I would wait my whole life if it meant I get spend a few extra moments in your presence." William said his facial expression never changing. For a few seconds you could have sworn you heard crickets as everyone just stared at William who in turn stared at you with the intensity of a hawk.
"Awww! Thank you William! That is so sweet of you to say."
Quickly you walked around the table and gave William a short hug, which made his entire face go red as he hid it by beginning to cut up his food at a blistering pace.
As you returned to your place at the table you couldn't have foreseen what you had just started. Meanwhile the men around now knew what they needed to do to get your attention and maybe even affection. After a few moments of silence Undertaker spoke up.
"You seem to have stolen my heart away- luckily I have three or four left in my icebox... Hehehe."
Once again you looked at Undertaker with a bewildered gaze, nevertheless you thanked him with a strange side hug. The man didn't speak to anyone for days, only laughing at random intervals of time and suddenly he comes out with this little number. But it was probably a joke, you told yourself.
"Are you the color red like fire? Because you ignite the passion in me!" Hollered Grell as he latched himself to your side.
What has gotten into them all today. I mean except for Grell, he is just always a bit of a dramatic mess. Alois was about to say something however everyone was caught off as Sebastian and Claude entered the room.
"I hope I am not interrupting anything, I would hate to disrupt your dinner, but we have a situation-" Sebastian did not get to finish his sentence, because a Purple haired man of regal appearance burst into the dining room, a taller man with white hair following hurriedly in his footsteps.
"Where is the woman who had saved us, who I was blessed enough by Krishna god of love, to see. I could have sworn that when I looked into her eyes I saw as a reflection in her face the features of the praised Lakshmi! Lead me toward her now!"
You sat there speechless. Who was this man? When he saw you his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. In a single moment he was next to you and kissing the back of your hand lightly.
"Who are you?" You muttered finally finding your voice. He was truly handsome not to mention charming. Something about him just screamed 'Royalty!'.
"I am Prince Soma Asman Kadar of Bengal! Behind me is my loyal servant Agni." He said referring to the well built man behind him, who bowed lightly.
"How are you here...?" Was all you could mutter as you glanced at the others around the room.
Some held expressions of absolute annoyance, while others, mainly Undertaker were softly giggling in amusement.
"I believe fate brought us together. At first I had cried to the gods, 'What is this punishment!? Why am I a feline!?' But the moment I saw your face as you opened the box I knew that it was fate that brought us two together, for I had not known love until I saw your face!"
Of course, Soma's loud proclamations of loud did not sit well with the other men in the room. Ciel soon cleared his throat.
"Prince Soma. What a surprise." He spoke, annoyance riddling his vocals.
"Oh what a surprise indeed!" The Prince cried, "to see you all here safe and sound is such a relief! In London people are worried sick! Why Lizzy even organized a whole search party for you! The poor girl-"
"Who is Lizzy?" You asked, your vocals strained, everything was getting to be too much and you were beginning to feel a bit dizzy from all the confusion and suddenness of the day. Everyone was acting so strange and the appearance of two new people, one of whom just so happened to be a Prince did not make this any easier.
"Lizzy? Why she is Ciel Phantomhive's fiancé!" Prince Soma replied.
These news shocked you to the core. Not that you had a romantic relationship with Phantomhive but you thought that he would have told you about something so important in his life. Suddenly the overload of information took its toll on you as you began to tip over. Luckily Agni caught you just in time as you fell into peaceful slumber.

Just A Box (cat! black butler x modern! reader)Where stories live. Discover now