Strangeness Inside

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You felt a bit weirded out by the silence in the kitchen as both butlers stared at you with something strange in their eyes. Of course you being the oblivious person you were did not recognize this as anything apart from them being weirdos.
Meanwhile Claude's and Sebastian's state of mind was breaking under the newfound realization about you, you were not a tool or a game to be used and played. You were not just a simple human who happened to be more appealing in  both sole and mind unlike the others. You were an Enamorer. A subspecies of humans that has long been dormant in bloodlines and a subspecies that has been resigned to oblivion and treated as a legend. Humans capable and proficient in making supernatural beings fall in love with them. These beings that although quite regular apart from their little "quirk" seemed normal have been resigned to simply be legends such as the popular, in both the human and supernatural realms, story of Persephone the human woman that Hades, god of death himself had fallen in love with. Although, of course that was a story. Humans like that couldn't exist and being like Sebastian or Claude or William or what have you, could not possibly feel that way. They could feel lust, desire but those things like their other "emotions" were much more similar to a kid who wants a shiny new thing with a burning passion up until he gets it, and when he does he immediately throws it to the side and moves on to the next thing, this was different. This longing they felt for you, not quite desire but much more tangible, much more real than anything else they have felt.
"Well it's fine, just a little scratch!" You said, laughing uncomfortably under their adoring stare.
"My lady, you could have gotten hurt. Do not worry me like this again." Claude said getting on one knee and taking your hand gently in his, as he kissed it lightly.
"What are you doing?" You asked as he held your hand up to his face,
"I am inspecting it to make sure that that one over there," he said vaguely referring to Sebastian, "Did a good enough job wrapping it."
"Alright don't touch the cut unless you have something to contribute, you might disturb the wound more." You heard a ticked off Sebastian
Before him and Claude got into a fight again you decided to lighten the tension.
"So, what should I do next?"
You asked putting your hands behind your back and giving them a smile. If their hearts could beat they would be practically jumping out of their chest.
"I'm sorry kitten but I can't let you cook anymore. What if you hurt yourself again?"
Sebastian said placing a band on your shoulder and relishing your warmth.
"Oh come on! I've been living on my own for years, if I couldn't deal with a little cut what kind of person would I be?"
After a lot of convincing you ended up washing vegetables, while Claude cut things and Sebastian seared the fish. You must have looked pretty bored because eventually Claude spoke.
"If you want I can teach you how to cut vegetables so that you don't injure yourself anymore..."
You perked up at his words and he smirked at your change in attitude.
"Come around here," he spoke gesturing to the cutting board. As you stood with a knife in one hand and vegetables in the other you felt his warmth close in around you. Two slender yet muscular arms caged you in as you felt his chest against you back. Skilled hands on yours he explained directions to you, his breath coming from just above your ear as he guided your hands in motions.
"Ahem." You were interrupted by a certain blond.
Alois POV
Damn that butler! How dare he go in on his masters territory. My gut felt on fire as I saw how close he was to her, taking her warmth and kindness and attention from me. What could a perfect creature like her want with him anyway, it's not like he is capable of love. And he is not loyal either! I learned of his conniving side during the conflict with Ciel.
Normal POV
"(Y/n)! Where did you go!? I missed you so, sooo much!"
Alois spoke excitedly, stretching out the 'so' as if to show the extent of how much he missed you.
He placed one arm around you as he led you away from Claude without you noticing. He looked into your eyes as he winked.
"You were looking for me? I was helping Sebastian and Claude with dinner."
"But why? You are so much better than simple kitchen help?" Alois spoke,
"I don't know. I just like to do things myself."
You said casually and shrugged.
As if on cue you heard Sebastian call from the kitchen:
"Dinner is ready!"

Just A Box (cat! black butler x modern! reader)Where stories live. Discover now