Midnight Confessions

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The sound of rain hit your ears as it rose you from your slumber. You rubbed your sleepy eyes as you tried to make out the furniture in your darkened room. You slipped on your glasses and opened your phone, realizing that it was still the middle of the night: which probably explained why Alois wasn't in your bed yet. It was annoying to wake up in the middle of the night: nothing to do, and everybody is asleep so you have to stay quiet, not only that but you couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard you tried to. You wound up thinking, about the events of the past day: it seemed surreal. To be fair it was all crazy, if you told anyone about this, nobody would believe you. What would you even say? 'Hi, I picked up a box of cats and they turned into attractive men from the 1800s with British accents'? Did I just say attractive?  You didn't even know anymore. Soon your thoughts drifted to Ciel, speaking of Ciel, you haven't seen him since before you passed out, and although you were frustrated at him for lying to you so shamelessly, you were more so concerned with his whereabouts. 

Sighing you decided to go downstairs and grab a glass of water to help clear your head. Your feet carefully patting down the stairs you tried to stay as quiet as possible as you entered the kitchen area. However, the sound of voices stopped you in the hallway leading to the kitchen. 

"My lord, it is not good to mope around all night, you will be exhausted come tomorrow," spoke Sebastian.

"Leave me alone, I simply cannot sleep" replied Ciel.

"How so, young master?"

"That is none of your business" 

"Could it be that you are upset over (Y/N) finding out that you had lied about so much?"

Ciel stayed quiet and you could hear the chair scrape loudly against the floor. Soon a pair of feet began to pace back and forth quickly. You stayed quiet, curious as to what he had to say. 

"Young master it is not good that you told such lies."

"Well what was I supposed to do, just come out and tell her that my butler is a demon!? That I eliminate the people who are in the way of the Queen!? That I am due to marry my cousin whom I do not love!? Or should I have boasted about the number of times I have nearly died!? Or maybe I should have mentioned that you Sebastian are ready to devour my soul the moment I avenge my parents!?" said Ciel with a bitter chuckle. It seemed to him at that moment that only misfortune seemed to befall him, and it may be much better to never come back. At the same time still, he despised the fact that he now knew what it is like to be normal, the sweet relief of not thinking of the next person that wants you dead, at any given hour of the day. He hated how much he enjoyed being here and how everything that once was all he knew seemed bleak now. 

"Young master..." 

You did not hear the end of the discussion, after the shocking things that left Ciel's mouth moments ago sunk in, you were swiftly and soundlessly moving upstairs and back to your bedroom. Of course, you weren't super happy with the news of the finance and you were expecting him to have lied about more things, but a demon?  That was just too much, and you were fearful now if Sebastian was a demon then Claude had to be one too... They were very similar in many ways and they were always perfect in everything they did. Maybe even too perfect. 

You did not want to fear them, but because of the things you heard of demons in the past, you could not help but be frightened. Weren't demons supposed to be horrible tormentors, who thrived on pain and devoured the souls of the innocent? What would stop Sebastian or Claude from doing that to you? 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, as Ciel kept ranting, Sebastian stood still for a moment his head cocked, and his entire body alarmed as he sensed something. He wasn't usually one to sense another presence so late, but his master's strange break down seemed to have knocked him off his rhythm. Ciel was acting curious now, he was never the kind to grow so upset over what another person thought of him, more so a person who he had not known for a very long time. But now he had more important matters to attend to. He sensed a presence, not just any presence, was a human presence: so it could only have been Alois, Prince Soma, Agni or (Y/N). Had any of them witnessed his master in such a vulnerable state or heard him say truths of his life, in particular, the comment about Sebastian devouring his soul, it would not be ideal. However had (Y/N) heard that it was likely she would kick them out, and even if she did not, it would be hard to salvage the trust her and Sebastian had and even more so, to morph their relationship into one of a romantic nature.

"Young Master, I have reason to believe we had company just a few minutes ago."

Ciel stopped, running a hand through his disheveled navy blue hair,

"What do you mean?"

"I have reason to suspect that someone was listening in on our conversation"


"I do not know. All I can tell is that it was a presence of a human, and there are only a few humans in this house at this moment in time, so it had to have been: Alois, Prince Soma, Agni or (Y/N)."

"(Y/N) heard everything?" Ciel asked quietly his eyes widening to the size of saucers.

"I did not say that young master, it could have been her, but chances are it was one of the other three. Most likely Alois, he is often out and about around this hour of the night."

"Of course it was that spoilt no good," Ciel furrowed his eyebrows slightly before continuing, still I want you to check that (Y/N) is in bed and asleep."

With that Sebastian exited the kitchen to go and fulfill the order given to him.

Back in your room, you snuggled into your blanket, trying to find some safety in the warmth it was providing to you. The sound of calm footsteps did not escape your senses, as your heart froze when they stopped right at your door. The dim light from the hallway painted a tall shadow on the wall that you were staring at as you could feel someone who stood at the door, staring at your back. It had to be Sebastian, he was most likely checking on you to make sure that you were still asleep safe and sound... Or he was going to kill you and eat your soul. The thought terrified you to no end, but you maintained your composure making sure you took deep, even breaths so that he thought you were sleeping. With your eyes closed, you lay in your bed listening as the footsteps entered your room. You heard Sebastian stop at the foot of your bed, for a little while he was still. Soon you felt him kneel down and brush a few of your hairs out fo your face, instinctually you winced a bit. 

"Oh, you must be having a nightmare." He began quietly, his tone hushed, not louder than a whisper, as he continued to run his hand through your hair soothingly. You would be lying if you said that that action did not calm you down a little bit. "You needn't worry about anything my sweet darling. I will take care of all, and you shall be safe and sound for as long as I am around... My little kitten." 

Soon after that, the feeling of a gloved hand gently combing through your hair vanished, and instead was replaced by the cool air in the room. You heard the door close and the footsteps slowly faded out. 

You were left alone with your thoughts. 

Just A Box (cat! black butler x modern! reader)Where stories live. Discover now