Bedridden part 2

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You fall back onto the pillows with a sigh, you couldn't believe this. Just because you passed out did not mean you were sick! God sometimes these guys were just too much! Your internal rant was disturbed when you heard Soma speak again,
"Aw, it isn't all that bad! I promise as I am the Prince of Bengal I shall do my best to entertain you!" He put one of his hands on top of yours which were folded on your lap and smiled.
You couldn't help but giggle at his sweet expression, this man  although you have just met him, seemed so innocent and genuinely happy, it made his company delightful. You put one of your hands next to his,
"Thank you Soma, that is very sweet of you."
For a second Soma was frozen as a dark blush bloomed on his cheeks,  then he simply stuttered that he had some matters he needed to attend to and ran out of the room while his loyal servant followed closely behind him.
"Is he okay?" You asked cluelessly, tilting your head to the site as you watched the purple haired man disappear out of your sight. Undertaker giggled as he climbed on top of your bed sitting himself across your legs and putting his chin on this entertained fingers as he leaned forward. His bangs covered his eyes as his ever present Cheshire Cat smile gleamed in your direction.
"Hey (Y/N) want to hear a joke?" He asked as he put down on one of his long fingernails to stifle a rising laugh.
"Alright, sure."
"Why don't cannibals eat clowns?" Undertaker asked as he continued to suppress his laugh,
"I don't know, why?"
"Because they taste funny!" As soon as the punchline of the joke left Undertakers lips, he exploded in laughter nearly falling of the couch in his endless wheezing.
You let out a few giggles yourself, since you did enjoy dark humor at times.
"Alright I see how it is, I have an even funnier joke."
"Oooooh! A joke war! How exciting!"
"'I'm sorry' and 'I apologize' mean the same thing... except at a funeral."
Undertaker once again exploded in laughter as he began rolling on the floor, you yourself were still sitting on the sofa giggling lightly at the man.
You and Undertake spent a lot of time together, mostly cracking jokes and you barely noticed as the time flew until Claude walked in with your dinner. Undertaker got off of the couch as he bid you farewell and let Claude put a tray of food on your lap.
"Where did you even find a tray?"
"I am a butler I carry one with me at all times." He spoke in a deadly serious tone.
Soon he picked up a spoon and scooped some of the broth that was for dinner up. He held the spoon up to your lips as he sat down on a chair next to your resting spot that someone brought from the kitchen.
"Oh come on Claude, you can't be serious! I can feed myself!" You said trying to grab the spoon from him.
"My highness ordered me to not let you lift a finger, therefore I shall feed you your dinner."
You were about to open your mouth to say something else when Claude used the opportunity to feed you the soup. Grumpily you chewed you dinner with your brows furrowed as a blush made its way across your skin. Claude wore his signature smirk as he fed you the red of your meal.
Later that evening Soma came to see you again bringing in origami flowers which he claimed he made himself with slight help from Agni from the construction paper he found in your room. Alois came in to chat over tea and ended up telling you all about the many masquerade balls he hosted in his world. Grell came in to talk about fashion, William following behind him because he said he didn't trust Grell to be unsupervised around you and ended up just reading a book the entire time.
Lastly as the time was slowly crawling towards midnight, Sebastian walked into the room.
"Hello kitten." He said smiling down at you.
"Sebastian? I haven't seen you at all today. Where were you?"
"Attending some important matters. Why? Did you miss me?"
His flirty attitude made you avert your eyes blushing down at your lap.
He merely chuckled before speaking again,
"I am here to being you to your room and tuck you into bed."
Before you could protest about walking there yourself, he already has you in his arms, holding you there with ease, as if you weighed nothing. Pressing you closer than necessary to his chest he began to carry you up to to your room.
Sebastian set you down in your bed before he covered you with your blanket, kneeling down to check your temperature one last time and staying there for longer than he needed to. To be truthful he was not stupid, he knew good and well that you were absolutely capable and definitely not sick, your episode was just a bad case of exhaustion that you did not notice soon enough before it took its toll on you. But it was delightful to see you rely on him. To feel your body next to his as he carried you up to your room.
His burgundy eyes traveled down to your plump lips, he wondered what it would be like to kiss them, and maybe, if he was lucky enough, to have you kiss him back. Before he did anything he would later regret he began to leave your room.
"Sebastian?" Your quiet and requesting voice stopped him,
"Where is Ciel?"
"He needs some time alone kitten."
Sebastian replied quietly.
There was a silence between the two of you before Sebastian said "Goodnight." Flicking off the lights and leaving you alone.
You were left in the dark, figuratively and literally. Things in your life stopped being clear the moment you brought that first box into your house. You could only hope it was all for the best.

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