New Arrivals

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Your alarm rang through your room, waking you up from your peaceful slumber. Well, also the seven men sprinting into your room in a state of panic. They also woke you up. You couldn't tell which was less pleasant.
With a firm hand, Sebastian slapped the alarm off of your bedside table. Flinging it towards William who snapped it in half with his shears until the mechanical ringing was reduced to silence. Meanwhile, Claude has vigorously examined you for any harm while Grell clung to your waist and cried.
"What in the hell are you doing to my alarm?"
"That treacherous monster wanted to harm my sweet (y/n)" sobbed Grell into your getting snot all over your pajamas in the process.
He was roughly lifted off and thrown to the side of the room like a rag doll by Sebastian. The red-eyed butler knelt down to your level, shooting a glare towards Claude, before also beginning to examine you.
"My lady, are you hurt?" He spoke, eyes shining with concern.
He was quickly pushed aside by Claude.
"Do you want anything? Food? Water? Me? Bandages?" Asked Claude.
This statement was spoken so fast you had missed the hidden messages that Claude was projecting, the others in the room haven't, and they looked like lions ready to pounce on their enemy. You were all distracted by the timid voices of Ciel and Alois.
"Is the threat gone yet?" Asked Ciel, clearly putting a brave facáde.
"Yes, my Claude probably eliminated before your butler could even blink." Alois countered although you could have sworn him snivel.
You on the other hand just rubbed in your forehead in annoyance and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"There was never a threat, to begin with. That is just a device I use to wake me up in the morning."
To add the cherry on top of your wonderful morning, you heard giggling from under your bed. Quickly swinging your torso over the edge of your bed and grabbed some sort of rag thing you could feel under there. Pulling out a laughing Undertaker.
"How long were you under my bed?" You asked.
"Erm... hehehe... whole night?"
The morning proceeded with Grell chasing Undertaker around the house.
Later that day, somewhere around lunchtime, you heard a knock on the door. That was strange enough. You rarely received visitors and when you did most would ring the doorbell. On your doorstep was a box. Plain and cardboard with a few holes cut on top of it. From within you heard desperate meowing noises.

While the others around you were occupied you carefully opened the box. Immediately a dark purple long haired cat jumped out of there landing on your chest as a light grey shorthair cat carefully walked out after it. The situation brought upon you a wave of nostalgia.
"What's this?" Asked a flabbergasted Ciel who had at some point walked up behind you.
"I don't know. Somebody left these cats on the doorstep."
You said while the two cats stared at Ciel bewildered. The purple cat began meowing loudly at Ciel while nuzzling into your collarbone.
"Ciel, are these humans stuck inside cat bodies?"
At your statement, the cat in your arms started going crazy once again and even the short-haired cat at your began to act unrestful.

Ciel POV
Good god. This is bad. Everything in my gut told me that those cats were Prince Soma and Agni. How did they get here? I need to confer with Sebastian and the others, but for now, I need to make sure that (y/n) is not suspicious.
"Ciel?" Her beautiful voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Uh... No! Definitely not humans inside cat bodies. It's not like there is the prince of Bengal in the room!"
Although usually, I was a very good liar, however lying to (y/n) was difficult. Something about her made me trip over my words and stumble in my sentences.
"Do you mean Bangladesh or East Bengal which is a state in India? Bengali is just an Indo-Aryan ethnic group, can you specify?"
Instead of responding I simply walked closer towards her, ignoring the wriggling cat Soma in her arms. Putting my hands gently on her shoulders, I couldn't help but smile down at her face. One of the rare times I had ever genuinely smiled. This seemed to catch even Soma and Agni by surprise as they had stilled their fussing completely.
"Come (y/n). Sebastian has relayed to me that lunch is almost ready."
"Thank you so much, Ciel." (Y/n) said scooping up Agni and Soma into her hands. Together we retreated to the kitchen.

Just A Box (cat! black butler x modern! reader)Where stories live. Discover now