First Comes Thunder

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Here is the first chapter of my Barry Allen centered story. I have been wanting to do a Bruce Wayne sister story for a long time. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. I can't wait for you all to read what I have planed for these books.

For as long as I can remember there has always been this daunting responsibility on my shoulders. I was expected from a young age to do extraordinary things no matter how much I wanted to just be normal. There was something about my life that never felt like it was my own. It seemed like where ever I went there was always someone wanting to order me around and tell me how I should feel, think, and do. There was no aspect of my life that felt like it was mine until I decided to take matters into my own hands.

In order to take my life into my own hands, I had to let go of my past. There were more consequences than I first thought with forgetting who I was. One of them is the daunting idea that you can never truly run from your past and that eventually one day your past will catch up with you. No matter how fast you run or how much you want the past to stay in the past there will be a time where everything comes to the surface. All I have to do is prepare myself for the moment my life turns upside down. I am hoping when that time comes I will be a strong enough person to put everything back together.


I stormed back into S.T.A.R. labs fearful of what I may see. All I had was an emergency call from Cisco that I needed to come back ASAP. He didn't give much detail on what I was needed for but I knew it was urgent.

"What happened?" I ask as I see the hospital bed we had for a certain lightning struck patient was now empty.

"It's nice to see you too Anna!" Cisco snaps at me.

"Okay dial down the sass and tell me why I had to race back here?" I snap back at him.

"Barry Allen decided that he did not need our help." Dr. Wells voice is heard as he enters the room in his wheelchair. "Sorry for Mr. Ramon calling you're so urgently Ms. Pennyworth, but we need your expertise."

"It's no worries Dr. Wells, but uh if Mr. Allen doesn't need our help why are we..." I look around and see Caitlin and Cisco averting my gaze. "Wait did neither of you tell him what is happening with him?" I yell and they no their heads. "How could you not tell someone that their DNA and cells are accelerating at a rapid inhuman speed?"

"In our defense, he didn't leave us much time to give him his diagnosis." Caitlin speaks up.

"And besides I'm certain Mr. Allen will be back any moment needing our help." Dr. Wells seems certain that this will happen.

"And what will we do when he comes to us for help or demands answers that we cannot give him?"

"Then Anna, we will do what we do best." And sure, enough Barry Allen came racing back to the lab informing us about his super speed he believes he has. We don't fully believe him and just think it's the lightening messing with his brain, but Dr. Wells believes him and insists that we take Barry to Ferris Air testing facility to see what is actually going on with Barry.


I'm in charge of driving us all there in our special equipment van while Cisco is making sure the tech we both designed is ready to go and Caitlin is making sure the first aid is ready in case of an emergency.

"So, uh I didn't meet you before when I uh..."

"When you woke up from your nine-month coma." I finish. I turn to look at him after I park the car.

"Sorry, I'm Barry Allen."

"I know who you are." I say as I turn the van off and help Cisco gather the things we need for these tests. "I'm Anna Pennyworth by the way."

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