Who is Dr. Wells?

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Getting closer to the end of season 1!!! Can't wait to write season 2.

Caitlin doesn't believe anyone when we try to explain to her about who Dr. Wells is. She is still convinced he is a good person, but I've gotten to know Joe and Eddie and the evidence they have against him damning. There are so many aspects about his life that don't add up. He keeps so much of his life a secret and I know I shouldn't be judging since I kept my identity a secret from everyone, but I never hid my motive of wanting to help people. If Dr. Wells is this person who killed Barry's mom the biggest question is why did he do it? What could he have gained from it?

"Where is Barry?" Eddie asks. We're all gathered at Joe and Barry's house to discuss how we're going to get more circumstantial evidence on Wells.

"He should be here any second. I sent him out for..."

"Pizza!" Barry sets down four boxes of pizza before coming over to kiss my cheek.

"What?" Cisco is impressed.

"From Coast City?" Eddie asks amazed.

"Supposedly the best in the west."

"Why did I not think of this before? Come to papa."

"Cait?" I ask holding up her favorite pizza. She shakes her head.

"I'm not hungry." She won't even sit with us. She's forcing herself to sit alone on the bottom of the stairs. I take my spot on the arm of the chair Barry was sitting on as we listen to Joe.

"Okay, six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

"What does that mean?" Eddie asks.

"Road trip baby."

"Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City."

"Starling City? What for?"

"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago."

"I don't understand why?" Caitlin is not believing us one bit.

"Dr. McGee came to speak with Barry and told him that after Wells' accident, he became like a complete stranger. Just a different person entirely."

"Because the love of his life died? Anna, you of all people can understand how grief can change a person."

"Cait, as your friend I'm telling you this the nicest way possible. This is not like when you lost Ronnie. There are not similar in any way."

"How can you say that? He believed in you and you were so happy when he offered you a job."

"Caitlin, we believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother, and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan." She purses her lips and I know she's being stubborn on this matter. "We have to learn everything we can about that night. See where it leads us."

"Oh, um, can you cover for me with Dr. Wells?"

"You mean lie?" I don't know why she's acting like she doesn't lie on a daily basis.

"Yeah." Cisco is hesitant to answer.

"I need some air." I hold my hands up telling everyone to sit back down.

"I'll talk to her."

Caitlin is just sitting on the stairs of the porch with her face in her hands. "Do you want to talk about what's really bothering you?" I sit down next to her.

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