Blind Dates

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Sorry for the long wait hope you enjoy.

Anna's POV

"I heard about Rachel and everything else that happened in Gotham." Bruce is silent and I know if he doesn't talk about something it's easier for him to cope.

"The city is broken, Anna. There is little to nothing holding it together."

"And this new Dent Act, will it hold?"

"Only if no one knows the truth."

"The truth hurts people more than they realize." I rest my head back against the wall.

"I need you to take over my shares of Wayne Enterprise." I sit up straight not understanding what he was saying.

"That would make the majority shareholder..."

"And you around 8 billion richer."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I have little reason to do anything. My time at Batman is coming to an end."

"I thought you would never give it up?"

"And I thought I would have Rachel to come home to and now...Gotham see's him as the symbol of darkness and Harvey as their White Knight."

"And are you okay with that? Being thought of as the bad guy?"

"If it keeps the city safe..."

"You're giving up so much for the city that has taken so much from you."

"It's not the city's fault there is corruption that plagues it."

"I fear you're throwing your life away."

"This is the life I chose Anna and I'm prepared to live it alone."

"You could come and live here with me and..."

"I have no life in Central City."

"Take care of yourself Bruce and..."

"I emailed you the papers and you need to sign them soon." And like that the legal papers that say Bruce and my name on it with our share of the company is staring me back in the face. "Anna I need to be left alone for a while and just..."

"Being alone doesn't solve the pain and loss you feel inside. I..."

"I need you to do this for me!" Bruce rarely loses his composure and I know there is nothing I can do to change his mind.

"I signed it and emailed it back."

"Good and I'm sorry but prepare for a press release of the news and you getting more attention."

"It's to take it off you right?"

"Correct. I need people to forget I even exist and..."

"You're staying at the family house aren't you?"

"It's the only place where no one can bother me unless I want them to."

"Be safe Bruce. Don't shut Alfred and me out. We love and care about you and..." My brother hangs up on me and I lower my head. I wish I could tell others about what is going on but this is Bruce's life and not mine to tell about. You can't change who your family is, but you can always love them.

I had to remember to put everything about what Bruce just dumped on out of my mind so Barry and I could have our proper date. With all of the craziness in our lives, we need this moment to ourselves. Barry isn't responding to my calls or text so I grab us a table and anxiously wait for him. I spot him as he almost collides with the host. Hey, you look handsome." I greet him by placing a kiss on his cheek.

Lost and Found-1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora