Winning Your Heart

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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Anna, can I talk to you?" Barry pulls me to the side. Everything has been tense since Wally was sucked into the Speed Force and now Barry is willingly going back inside even though it was near impossible to get him out the first time.

"I can't believe you're going back." I hang my head low.

"I have to get Wally back."

"And what if I lose you in the process? I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you."

"Hey." Barry reaches for my hand and holds it tight. "You're not going to lose me. I'm coming back."

"I wish I could believe that with more certainty."

"Have I lost you forever?" Barry asks looking down to my left hand where my ring used to be. I shake my head.

"You could never lose me, Barry."

"I want to prove to you how much you mean to me and...I feel terrible for part of the reason I proposed to you."

"You can't change the past, Barry." I cup his cheek with my hand. "No matter if you have the power to do so you shouldn't tempt fate."

"Will you come back to me."

"Come back home from the Speed Force and we'll see where life takes us."


"Barry there is so much at stake right now. Our engagement is the least of our worries. We still need to save Iris from Savitar in the next month need to come home to me so we can figure things out." I lean up and place a kiss on his cheek.

"Cisco, you about ready?" Barry asks as I help set up the Vibe room to send Barry into the Speed Force.

"Born ready." Cisco replies admiring his handy work. "Okay, here's winging it."

"Winging it? Wait, what do you mean?" Joe questions.

"Well, I mean, I don't really have a map of the Speed Force, so when I vibe Barry into it..."

"You have no idea where I'm gonna land." Barry finishes for Cisco. Cisco nods his head.

"But the good news is I have developed a plan for if he gets stuck." I state trying to reassure Joe his son will come back safe and sound.

"Now we can fish him out." Cisco explains. Joe and Barry share a hug and Iris does the same. They are both worried about two people they care most about in this world. This cannot be an easy thing for them just to put their blind faith that Barry and Wally will come back.

Cisco and Barry walk onto the launch pad waiting for us to turn the machine on. "To infinity and beyond."

I'm anxiously awaiting Barry's return. I find myself just making shit up out of old tech we have laying around the lab to preoccupy my time. "Why would you order a single espresso? It's gotta be at least a double espresso. I can go triple. Doesn't affect me at all." H.R. boasts about himself. Cisco and I stare at him like he's insane.


"You should really try decaf." I exclaim to H.R. who downs another espresso.

"No decaf in this train Annalise. Triple shots all the way." H.R. is so hyper and excited. "I can have a quadruple, a sextuple. Oh, there you are. I'm gonna get us all coffees cause we got a lot of work to do, you know?" H.R. greets Jesse who is holding Savitar's blade in her hand. "A lot of...a lot of stuff to do. It doesn't affect me though. It doesn't affect me at all!" H.R. leaves to get more coffee and it scares me how he can live off some much caffeine.

Lost and Found-1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz