Harsh Reality

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I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned. I feel like it's going to be epic.

"Hey, it's so nice having you back. Please don't leave that long again." Cisco high fives me.

"I needed to make sure you guys didn't fall apart without me."

"We missed you so much."

"Anna." Caitlin comes running to me and we hug.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy."

"Yeah, Barry filled us in." Iris comes over to greet me.

"Oh, did he." I look to Barry who won't meet my gaze.

"I told them that you're happy with your new boyfriend and...I'm happy for you both."

"Can we see a picture of him?" Iris asks and Barry glares at her but quickly leaves not wanting to discuss it.

"Here." I hand over my phone.

"Oh, girl damn." Iris gushes over Adrian. "He is fine." She compliments.

"Thanks, Iris."

"Let me see this..." Cisco nods his head. "Do you know how he keeps his hair styled like this?" He asks me.

"Why, you wanting to do your hair like that now?" I ask with amusement.

"It's like it doesn't move but it...it works for him."

"He is really nice looking." Caitlin adds.

"Thanks. I'm sorry for not telling you about him earlier."

"You wanted to keep something to yourself. We can all understand that." Iris exclaims.

"His name is Adrian Chase by the way. He's the D.A. of Star City and it feels nice being with him." I state to them.

"A D.A.?"


"And here I thought Barry was going to be the most vanilla person you would be with." Cisco jokes and I shake my head.

"Yeah, I stayed a little longer because a shooter attacked City Hall and Adrian was shot."

"But he's okay?" I nod my head.

"He's fine but like a stubborn man he is he went straight back to work."

"Sounds like a lot of people we know." Iris mutters and I know she's speaking about Barry.

"I don't want to make this weird between us all. This is still a new relationship."

"So you're not moving to Star City?" I shake my head.

"Central City is my home. And...it's nice being with someone who has a normal day job we..."

"You could have picked a less high profile person to date if you wanted normal." Caitlin jokes with me.

"You're right about that."

"So if he's the D.A. in Star City how did you two meet?"

"Drunk one night stand."


"I know not my best moment. But I went to visit Felicity for some girl time and we went out and I got drunk and woke up the next morning to..."

"To a man who knows how to rock a suit." Iris compliments.

"We tried to ignore it and keep our distance but...besides how we met we actually enjoy each other's company."

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