The Note and the Slap

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"So what classes do you have Ava?" Ella asked looking at me.

"I take AP classes and an art class." I said while trying to wiggle my hand out of hers but it was no use, she had a strong grip. She must work out or something.

She puffed out her cheeks and pouted," that stinks. I don't have any classes with you." Thank the lord for that.

We continued walking down the hall quietly which was odd. I looked at Ella who was looking at the ground. "Are you still pouting?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded her head yes, "Off course I am. Wouldn't you be if you couldn't spend all day with the girl you love?"

"Probably not." I answered bluntly. She opened her mouth gaping," you're so mean." I don't think i was mean.

I looked back at Ella, who was still pouting, like a child. I mentally sighed. "You know you don't have to be a baby. You'll still see me at lunch and p.e. and tonight." She looked at me and smiled,"I totally forgot about that!"

"Now will you stop pouting. It makes me feel uncomfortable." I told her.

She continued to smile then gave me a kiss on the cheek, so annoying, "well I'll see you later then, my bride to be."

She let go of my hand and continued down the hall to her class. I turned around walking to my class and held the cheek she kissed. Why does she do this? And why did I care if she was upset? I guess I'm just tired or something. I mean I did have a tiresome morning. 

I dropped my hand from my cheek as I used it to open the door into my class.

"Ah, so glad of you to join us Ava." My teacher said sitting in his chair. Gosh Mr. Sanders can be so annoying.

"I know I'm late. I was helping someone find their classroom." I said walking to my desk and sitting down. He squinted his eyes studying me, then shrugged his shoulders. "Ok, good for you know where were we."

I got my book out and turned it to the chapter we were on and started taking notes. It was only moments later when I noticed a paper landing on my desk.

I pick it up then look around the room trying to figure out who threw it, but saw no suspicious looking people. I look back down a the paper and unfolded it. It read:

Hey Weirdo, so I heard you hired a hottie to be your fake girlfriend, but I bet you use her for other things. Wink wink. You should lend that slut to me so I can have a little fun too.

Btw this is John.

I look up and saw John smiling at me and waving. Is that pimply brace faced nerd serious! I got angry, making my blood boil. No one calls Ella a slut.

I got out a piece of paper fixing to write something. People like that make me sick. I then stopped what I was doing, realizing if I write back it'll just make things worse for me and I hate having problems. So instead I got up and walked to the front of the class and handed the note to my teacher and told him everything.

I turned around walking to my seat and saw John looking at me with a worried look.

"John, this sort of thing is uncalled for, will you come to the principal's office with me?"

John went back to quickly grab his things and then followed him to the office, "will you please not tell my mother?" He asked Mr. Sanders as he shut the door.

Once they where gone everyone started looking and snickering wondering what just happened. Then some guy looks at me, "Wow I didn't know you snitch on nerds now Weirdo?" He said rudely.

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