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Let's see... It's been a few days since Ella said she would help me with my emotions and let me tell you..... She had trouble.

The whole time through the dinner, the other night, she did nothing, but try making me laugh or smile, but she just accomplished making me more annoyed and raised brows from her parents and mine. Let me tell you, she's really persistent and hasn't given up yet. That's something I find interesting about her. She never gives up.

"Ava can I come over to your house after school?" She asked tilting her head.

 I looked at her, "Why?"

"Because I have an idea on how I can make you feel something." She said looking at me.

Curious on what she had in mind I agreed to let her come over.

I pulled into my house and we walked to my door. I got my keys out and started searching for my house key. "Ok one second." I said looking at Ella.

I noticed she was holding her bag close to her and looking everywhere nervously, like she was hiding something. "What's wrong with you?" I asked. She snapped her face to me and smiled, "Nothing, but can you hurry."

I sighed and finally found the key to unlock the door and let us in. "So what was your idea to make me feel something?" I asked while putting my things down and looking at Ella.

She stood their messing with her bag then looked at me, "Ok... I'll tell you or more like show you, but you have to promise to agree to do this?" She asked staring at me seriously.

What do I have to lose, I thought to myself. "Ok, fine I promise." I said in a calm tone.

She smiled, "Ok great! Now can you please go sit down while I put in the movie?" 

I did as she asked and walked over to the couch and sat down. I then watched Ella put her bag down by the t.v. then quickly closed all the blinds making the living room pitch dark. This is odd.

"Are your parents home?" She asked looking at me.

 "No." I told her.

"Ok good." She then dug in her bag and grabbed a movie, but I couldn't tell what it was, because she quickly took the cd out and quickly put it in the dvd player. She then walked over and sat by me on the couch.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked. "You'll see... But I'm confident that this will make you feel something." she said half smiling.

I turned my attention to the t.v. and saw a women talking on a phone. Then another women walks in, making the one on the phone hang up and turn her attention to her. They then start having a conversation with each other. This is suppose to help me?

Then all of a sudden those women somehow start kissing. They then stopped and walked into a bedroom and continued there kissing. Ok what's going on.

Their kissing stopped and they started taking their close off slowly until they were naked. They then went back to kissing, but did it while laying on the bed.

"Why are we watching porn, Ella?" I asked turning and looking at her, but she was too into the show, watching with wide eyes. I turned back to watching the t.v. and just continued watching again.

The two women are now sucking and touching each other everywhere causing them to moan. The only thing I'm feeling right now is uncomfortable... But my heart started beating a bit faster.

I continued watching them touching each other more and the only thing you could hear was nothing, but moaning from the t.v.

I then heard an annoying breathing sound. What's that noise, I looked over at Ella and noticed she was breathing heavier. I'm gonna get a drink, so I wont have to hear her or watch this.

I got up and started walking around her, but couldn't see where I was walking and ended up falling to the ground dragging her on top of me.

Oww! That's the second time I did that.

"That hurt." I said fixing to get up, but stopped when I looked in Ella's eyes. Something sparked when I looked in them, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Ella, who was still on top of me, intertwined her fingers in mine and started slowly leaning towards me. I laid there not knowing what to do. What's happening?! Why's my heart racing? Why do I feel warm everywhere!? To many emotions are happening right now... I need to stop this.

She was inches away, but like all the other times she was interrupted to the sound of the front door opening and keys dropping to the ground.

Ella and I sat up quickly and saw my parents by the door way gasping. Thank goodness.

"What's going on?" My mom asked with wide eyes. "Ella and I were watching porn that is until you guys showed up." I answered bluntly.

"I see that." My mom said looking at the t.v. and then us still who was still on the ground, shocked, "but why is she on top of you?"

I looked at Ella then my parents,"I tripped and she fell on me. Can you get off?" I asked looking at Ella.

She stared at me then shook her head, "Yeah... Um, sorry."

"Can you guys turn this off please? It's pretty loud." My dad said shutting the door and guiding my mom to the kitchen to calm her down.

I watched them leave the room, then I looked at Ella who was quickly gathering her things up and taking the movie out of the DVD player. I guess I should tell her that I did feel something. "I felt something." I said looking at Ella making her stop.

She turned to me and sheepishly smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah. It was a strange feeling. It was definitely new." She got up and walked towards me, "What did it feel like?"

"I felt all warm and tingly." I said harshly, "I didn't really like it."

Ella stood there staring then all of a sudden burst out laughing. "Ava.... You got turned on." She said in between laughs.

I stood there thinking. I got turned on? The first thing or a new thing I felt was being aroused. That's embarrassing.

She quit laughing then walked over to the couch and grabbed the rest of her things." At least we got somewhere today." She said smiling. She turned and opened the door fixing to leave, but stopped. She turned around quickly and jogged to me and kissed me on the cheek and left.

I grabbed my cheek watching as Ella left leaving me staring at nothing, but the door. I should've told her I felt something else too. It was when we stared into each others eyes.

"Ava can your mom and I have a word with you?" My dad asked leaning on the wall. I put my hand down and turned and looked at my dad. "Fine." I said mentally rolling my eyes.

I already known what this'll be about. This is gonna be fun..... Not, I thought as I walked into the kitchen. 

The Girl with no Emotions (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now