New Relationships

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I went straight to my room, sat on my bed, and started sketching in my book, after school was out. I needed to get everything out of my system somehow and art was the best thing for me to do right now.

I had no clue what I was drawing, but I didn't care. I didn't have any intention on looking at any of it anyways, so once I was done sketching or painting a picture I would immediately tear it out of my book, crumble it up and throw it on the ground. I continued doing this numerous times.

I ended up losing track of time, spending hours doing the same pattern repeatedly, not getting tired, that is until my mom hollered my name, to come and eat, which shook me out of my trance.

I sighed and closed my book, got up off my bed and walked out of my room, stepping on the wads of papers in the process.

"About time you came out." My mom said smiling and looking at me, who was standing at the table, as her and dad were eating dinner. "I've been hollering your name for 5 minutes." She said still looking at me.

I sighed and sat down, "You never once thought to come to my room and check on me?" I said harshly as I made my plate, even though I wasn't in the mood to eat.

My moms smile fell, "I didn't really think about it." She said. I mentally rolled my eyes. She never thinks about things..... it kind of reminds me of Ella.

"So, will Ella be joining us tonight?" My dad asked. I looked up and glanced at both of them, she's the last person I want to see. 

"No, not tonight. She said she was busy with schoolwork and helping with things at home." I said lying to them.

They stared at me, studying me, then continued eating. "That's a shame." My mom said as she was shoveling food in her mouth. My dad nodded his head in agreement then looked up at me again and cleared his throat. 

"Oh yeah that reminds me. I got a call from your therapist, right after you rudely left in the middle of your session," he said glaring at me, "anyways she said that she's been seeing improvements in you and that whenever you want you can stop going to therapy. Isn't that good news?" He asked looking at me and mom smiling.

I sat there playing with my food then looked at them, "Now it'll be less of a pain waking up early in the mornings on Saturday." They both just smiled and continued eating. "Well I'm done eating." I said getting up from my seat. 

"But you didn't even touch your food." My mom said with furrowed brows.

"I wasn't that hungry." I answered looking at them and turning to head back to my room.

"Ok, well good night then." My mom said to me as I walked down the hall and turned to my right into my room, shutting the door behind me.

I made my way to my bed and sat on it and started thinking about what my dad said, no more therapy, because I'm getting better... but I don't feel better.

I ignored my thoughts and decided to go back to drawing until I fell asleep from boredom, but knew that wasn't going to happen.


"Hey Weirdo......hold up!" A voice hollered at me from down the hall. I stopped in front of my locker and turned to see who it was. Steven.

I watched him shoving his way through students knocking some to the ground, which he laughed at, until he made his way to me.

"Hey little shit." He said putting his arm over my shoulder smiling as he ruffled my hair. I shoved him off of me, looking at him.

"What do you want Steven?" I snapped getting annoyed.

The Girl with no Emotions (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now