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I know the title might not make sense to the chapter, once you read it, but I couldn't really think of what to name this chapter, except aftermath. Lol

Anyways I hope y'all are doing amazing and having a great day!!!! :)

Enjoy the story.

P.S. what is everyone's favorite song? 🤔Mines Electric Love by: Børns. If you haven't heard it, but like indie music then I suggest you listen to Electric Love. It's awweeesome!!!


"I told you, you should've brought a change of clothes." Camren said poking me. "Now your stuck wearing Tilly's clothes, which is kind of baggy on you." She said messing with my shirt, but quit when she realized she was irritating me.

"Like I said I didn't expect to even stay the night." I said feeling sick while holding my head. "I blame you for this." She just laughed. "Why aren't you feeling sick? And what exactly happened last night after we got back from the bridge?" I asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you at lunch." She said. "I'll see you until then." She then kissed my cheek, something she's never done and left. It feels weird when someone else, other than Ella, does that.


"Ok tell me now." I said impatiently while sitting down. 

"Fine let me sit down first." Camren said.

I watched her put her tray and bag down, getting situated and sat down. "So where should I begin?" She said thinking. "I'll start at the part when you started chugging beer, right after your first one." I really did that.

She talked about the whole night and all I could do was think about how stupid I was, after hearing the things I did and what everyone else did.

"So to make things short. You pretty much got super drunk, mainly because you're a light weight. You and some other girls took shots, swam in the pool in the back of Tilly's house, threw up, drank some more, and then you started getting touchy feely with me," Camren said blushing. "But then after a few minutes you passed out, on a sleeping Ella."

"I decided to go to sleep too, so I laid in bed right by you. Making sure you were alright." 

After she was done talking, I looked at her. "I guess I'm an idiot now." I said bluntly. 

Camren laughed, "No, not even close. You just had a little too much to drink. But other than that you did have fun and laugh." She said holding my hands. I looked at her hands then mine and back up at her. 

"I think I want to give this a try." I said without thinking and looked at her, but she was too busy poking the mystery food on her tray.

"Are you sure? This food looks kinda questionable to me." She said looking at me with a raised brow. 

"You're an idiot."

She furrowed her brows then looked down at her one hand still holding mine and immediately blushed and let go. "Oh ok.... umm I mean if you want we can give this ago. I'm perfectly fine with it." She said while clearing up her voice trying to act cool. She's a horrible actor. I may have trouble reading people sometimes, but I can tell when someone's acting or not.

"Ok so what now?" I asked. "I've never done this before."

Camren sat there thinking, "how about we go on a date, this Friday." She said smiling. 

"Ok." I agreed calmly, which caused Camren to smile big.

"Hey guys, so what are we talking about?" Me and Camren both looked up and saw Ella sitting down across from us at the table. 

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