The Kiss

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(Ella's POV)

I don't know how long I can take this. It's so hard being around Ava knowing she doesn't remember me. It's even harder seeing her and Camren together. I hate how Camren is the one that is able to kiss her and hug her, while I'm over here trying to be strong and not pay attention to all that.

I also noticed that Ava doesn't like any of that, but doesn't care enough to say anything about it. I've known Ava long enough to know what she likes and what she doesn't and I know she doesn't like Camren as much as Camren likes her, but she doesn't know that. I also know that Ava loves me as much as I love her, but doesn't care enough to realize it. Gosh she's so hard headed... that's one reason why I love her.

"Umm excuse me can you please stop staring at me? You're making me a little uncomfortable." I looked over and saw a nerdy, but cute girl looking at me.

I shook my head and looked at her, "Sorry about that, I was just day dreaming about my future bride, who doesn't know she's my bride yet." I said sighing and resting my chin in my hand.

She blushed and spoke up softly again, "Well can you do that by not staring at me?" I smiled to myself, wow she's kind of adorable, but nothing compared to my Ava.

"Umm you're doing it again." The girl spoke up. I rolled my eyes and looked away. After another twenty dreadful minutes went by in class the bell rang and I quickly gathered my things so I can catch up with Ava, who will be by herself today, because Camren is absent from school.

After gathering the last of my things I fast walked out the door, but accidentally bumped into someone who was standing in the middle of the hall.

"Hey there beautiful. Where are you headed in such a hurry?" I made a face at Steven.

"My bad for running in to you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way." I began walking away but he stepped in front of me.

"Whoa hold it there. Can we talk for a second?"

I rolled my eyes and checked the time on my phone and saw I still had a good 10 minutes before our next class started. "Fine you got 3 minutes."

He smiled, "Well I just wanted to say how sorry I am for being such a dick lately. I just like you so much." Yeah he likes me so much he would go out and hurt the only person I love, because he's crazy.

"If you're trying to say what I think you're gonna say then no! I'm not getting together with you, because yeah like you said, you're a dick and people like you don't change. Now if you'll excuse me, your time's up and I have better things to be doing." I gave him a smile and quickly walked away and headed straight to Ava, knowing exactly where she will be at.

I walked outside and there she was sitting under the tree. "Hey beautiful!" I hollered while smiling and waving at her. She quickly looked up and shook her head when she saw me approaching.

"What do you want Ella?"

"Can I not spend time with my favorite person in the whole world?"

"As long as you don't try anything then I guess you can sit with me, but no talking or being annoying, because I'm busy." I smiled and nodded my head ok. Sitting in calming silence with her is just as good as talking to her maybe better, because I can study and adore all her features.

I watched as she was tapping her pencil trying to figure out problems in her workbook and I guess she noticed because she said something, "Stop staring at me, you're bothering me."

I smiled again, "I can't help it. You're so beautiful!" I grabbed my heart and fell back in the grass being dramatic.

"Yeah and you're so weird." She said as she went back to working.

"You're so mean." I pouted as I sat back up. She looked up at me again and I could tell she was a little annoyed, but it went away when I noticed she was staring at me a little longer than usual. "What is it?" She leaned closer to me then lifted up her hand and pulled something out of my hair.

"This was bothering me, just like you are right now." She held the piece of grass in her hand waiting for me to grab it. I grabbed the grass, but kept holding my hand in hers a little longer.

"Thanks for getting that, but it's a little weird because knowing you.. you would've just left it."

She looked at our hands then me, "I don't know why I did it." We sat there staring at each other and I could tell there was some confusion and curiosity hidden in her eyes. I took the chance and began slowly leaning towards her until we were inches apart. She still just kept staring at me so before she could move away, I quickly, but softly planted a kiss on her lips.

She sat there staring at me, not even blinking, but then to my surprise she closed her eyes and leaned forward a bit and kissed me back. I immediately closed my eyes again to enjoy this time.

Wait wait!!? Is this really happening... again?! Ava is kissing me back. I must be in heaven.

After kissing for a few more seconds I broke off our kiss and rested my forehead on hers. "Ava, I love you and I don't care that you're in a relationship or what you and Camren say.... I love you and I know you feel the same." My heart was racing after saying those words because I have no clue how she would react, that and my heart was racing because that kiss was amazing.

She still just sat there staring at me then said, "you're so annoying." She grabbed her things and quickly got up, but stumbled to her knees and fell against the tree.

"Whoa are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'm ok.. I just got up too quickly." The bell rang and she gathered her things again and headed to her next class.

"That was weird. I wonder what that was that just happened to her?" I said to myself. I too got up and grabbed my things and decided to forget about what just happened to her for a second, because I wanted to think about our kiss we just had. Our first kiss to be exact. Ok I know she felt something in that kiss, I know she does have feelings for me that she keeps pushing aside.

Gosh I'm head over heals for her.

I practically skipped to class forgetting about the rest of the day thinking about nothing but the kiss and her little fall she had earlier.

Once school was over I walked to my locker to grab my book and headed home when I saw Ava who saw me too. She looked away from me and fast walked out of the school. That's weird. I wonder why she did that? Maybe the kiss turned her on?

The Girl with no Emotions (GirlxGirl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя