Love? Part 2

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You're a worthless piece of garbage that needs to be dealt with!" Steven said as he kept punching me in the face over and over.

"And you belong in an asylum because you're crazy." I said.

He stopped and looked at me dead in the eyes, with the same dark look as that night and slowly grinned. He lifted up his arm, pulled it back then hit me straight in the face knocking me down.

Everything went quiet and black.

I bolted awake sitting straight up in my bed, breathing heavier than usual. This is the fourth time this week I've woken up like this and it sucks. I turned on the lamp by my bed and checked the time and saw it was three in the morning.

I decided to draw, because that was the only thing that cleared my mind, but this time it didn't. I began sketching and sketching, thinking it would eventually turn into something, but it didn't.

I laid back down and tried going back to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I could only see Steven hitting me over and over in the face. This sucks. I hate seeing him at school and now he's in my dreams.

I rolled over and looked at the time again and saw only 15 minutes went by. I tried thinking about something else or more like someone else.

The first person that came to my mind was Ella for some reason. I noticed how my heart began beating slower as I remembered sitting under my favorite tree and sketching her in my book.

I sat up and dug in my drawer and pulled out the sketching of her that I saved and stared at it. What are you doing to me? Why do I feel warm inside when I'm around you or thinking of you?

I then remembered what that one girl said, Amor was it? She said how Ella would always talk about me. she would talk about how much she liked me, which reminded me how Ella would always say she loves me. Does she really? If she does maybe she can explain it to me... Love

Doing the dumbest thing I've ever done, I pulled out my phone and texted Ella.

Me: Are you awake?

Not minutes after, I got an immediate response and sighed. Why did she answer so quick?

Ella: I'm awake now since you texted me. What's on your mind Beautiful? ;)

I rolled my eyes after seeing her response.

Me: Gross no flirting. Just come over here. I have a question to ask you?

Ella: Say no more I'm on my way.... beautiful.

Sometime passed as I sat on my bed hating myself that I invited Ella over, but it's too late to stop her from coming over now.

I theard a knocking on my window and looked over and saw Ella waving crazily and smiling.

I slowly walked over and opened the window as quietly as possible and watched as she crawled into my room or more like fell.

"Ouch! Can you pwetty pwease help me up?" She asked lifting up her hand and giving me her puppy dog eyes. I looked at her and sighed. Everytime. I grabbed her hand and helped her off the ground.

She stood in front of me smiling. "So Ava, what is it that you want to talk about at 3:45 in the morning?"

I sighed and walked over to my bed in which she followed pretty closely. I sat on my bed and looked at her. "What's love?" I asked getting straight to the point.

She looked at me wide eyed and looked up thinking, I guess. "It's kind of hard to explain, but since I love you then I'll try." She said smiling.

"Why do you love me?" I asked.

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