Chapter Three. Lennox.

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I walk out of the sports complex feeling lighter. The interview had gone really well, and Kelly, the lady who interviewed me, tells me that I should hear something within the next couple of days.

The parking lot is a lot more full than when I'd gotten there, so I can only assume that there's something going on, though I don't remember my dad saying anything about it.

When I get into my car, I pull out my phone and texted Caila to see if she's done. I sit there listening to the music fill the air quietly, giving her a few minutes to respond before I decide just to go pick Saylor up and head home.

The sound of someone tapping at my window causes me to jump in my seat, hitting my legs on the steering wheel.

"Shit," I mutter, then look over to see who's tapping on my window.

I'm met with the same piercing bluish grey eyes that had held me captive in the hallway this morning after he nearly knocked me to the ground.

I roll my window down and squint my eyes at him. 

"Are you following me?" I ask with a slightly playful tone.

"Funny. I was going to ask you the same thing," he says playfully. "Because you don't look like a hockey player." I laugh at his comment and he smiles.

"Busted." Silence hangs in the air, but despite not knowing this man, it isn't uncomfortable. "I was actually here on some business."

"What kind of business?"

"Right now, that's unknown." He looks at me skeptically, but lets it slide. More silence. "Are you a player?"

He raises his eyebrows playfully and I realize the double meaning behind my question.

"Are you a HOCKEY player?" I clarify, feeling my cheeks heat up.

He nods. "I am."

I sigh, knowing I should cut ties now and pretend that I'd never met this beautiful man. If he's a hockey player, that means he plays for my father. And my father most definitely will not approve of one of his players dating his daughters. But something about this man, Connor as he'd told me earlier, makes me want to get to know him.

"I see," I say.

"Are you waiting on someone?" He asks, I'm sure he is probably still confused as to why I'm sitting in the parking lot of the complex.

"Actually, I am."

"May I ask who?"

I smile. Nosy ass. 

Just as I'm about to speak up, my phone rings, leaving Connor in suspense.

"Hello?" I answer my sister's call.

"Hey sis. I just saw your text. I was done pretty early, so I came downtown. Want to meet me for lunch at Comfort?"

"Can I bring Saylor?"

"Of course. The more, the merrier," Caila says happily.

"Does that mean Ben is going to be there?" I ask.

Silence meets me from the other end. "Do you care?"

"No, he's your boyfriend. I want to get to know him. But I've gotta go. I'll meet you there in about an hour."

"Sounds good, bye Len."

"Bye, Cai."

I hang up and feel Connor's eyes on me intently. "I, uh, I've gotta get going."

"Right. I'll see ya," Connor says. "It was nice running into you again," he has a smile on his face as he says it.

I laugh lightly. "Bye," I say before rolling up the window after he steps away and takes off to the Jeep parked a row over. We both drove Jeeps.

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