Chapter Eleven. Lennox.

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What had I done? I'd never meant for that secret to slip like that.

No, I wasn't trying to hide Saylor or pretend like she didn't exist when it came to Connor, but that was not how I wanted him to find out that I had a daughter.

In the next heartbeat, I was mad that I even cared. 

It wasn't like there was anything between us, and it wasn't like there ever would be. I had to remember that, no matter how much I liked our playful banter.

His reaction was exactly what I'd encountered any time I'd told anyone I had a child. So really, it wasn't like I'd expected to hear from him again. And though I knew there couldn't be anything between us, that thought caused a heavy weight on my chest.

Connor was funny, and he made me laugh. He was so god damn sexy, too. I didn't want to think about the fact that I might not ever talk to him again.

But then his text had come through, apologizing for his reaction. When he said he couldn't wait to meet her, my heart seized.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

I never replied; I couldn't. I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't tell him that I had no intention to introducing him to Saylor, even though it was the truth. I didn't just introduce her to anyone who came into my life because I didn't want her to get hurt.

Over the next couple of days, he'd sent numerous texts, never pushing me about my daughter, but just being friendly; asking about his apartment, asking what I was up to, things like that.

Clearly the news I'd sprung on him hadn't really affected him, unless he was completely ignoring it.

I was scared to see what happened when he returned to St. Paul, and I had no idea when that would be. Though he'd texted me constantly, he never let on when he'd be coming back.

For now, I couldn't worry about it though, because I had to get myself ready for work.

Today was my first day at the office and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I wanted everyone to like me.

Saylor was dressed in a cute chambray shirt with yellow leggings and white sandals with a big yellow flowered headband on her head, her dark curls framing her face.

I finished my makeup and hurried out the door, nearly tripping over something on the ground outside my door.

Weird. I hadn't heard anyone knock.

I looked down to see white daisies in a vase. Setting Saylor in the ground, I picked the flowers up and set them inside, grabbing the card out of them before returning to the task of getting to the car.

Because I hadn't wanted to be late on my first day, I had opted to start Saylor at daycare last week to get the first couple (hard) days out of the way.

Today the drop off had gone fairly smoothly and I was on my way to Storm Headquarters with plenty of time to spare.

It was only when I was parked outside that I pulled the card out from my purse that had been with the flowers.

It read I hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see you again. -Connor.

I felt myself flush as I stuck the card back into my purse.

I couldn't stop myself from pulling my phone out and texting him a thanks despite everything I'd been hiding from since I last spoke to him.

When I didn't receive a response, I stuffed my phone in my purse and headed inside.

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