Chapter Four. Connor.

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Lennox had a man in her life. 

I didn't know who she'd been on the phone with, but it was clear by the conversation that she'd had with whoever she'd been on the phone with.

I'd never despised someone I'd never met so much.

Hell, I didn't even know Lennox. So having these thoughts were beyond crazy. 

Maybe I needed to go check myself in somewhere because this wasn't me.

I swerved into the half empty parking lot to Bob's Bar, knowing it was too early to start drinking, but not really caring. 

I needed to get this girl out of my head.

"You're here awfully early," Bob's gravelly voice said as I entered the bar.

I looked toward the bar where the scruffy old man was pouring drinks for customers and offered a smile. 

"I needed a drink," I said.

"Rough morning?"

"You could say that," I admitted.

"Regular?" he asked, moving to the spigots. I nodded and he put a glass under the Coors spigot and handed me the full glass.

I raised it in his direction and then took a swig. The cold liquid felt good sliding down my throat.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" Bob asked.

I thought about it, knowing if I was going to be drinking, I needed something in my stomach. I hadn't had time to eat anything yet today. 

"How about a burger," I said.

"You got it," Bob said, walking toward the kitchen.

I sat there, nursing my beer and watching the Blue Jays play the Marlins in Toronto.

I'd been to that stadium so many times in my childhood, had so many great memories there. Me, my brothers, and my dad had practically spent our summers when we weren't training at Blue Jays games.

The memories suddenly made me miss home. I needed to try to get back there before the season started in a few weeks because after, it'd be a while before I could just go home and enjoy time with my family.

Bob returned a short time later with my burger and another beer. I nodded my thanks then dug in.

"You been to a game this season?" Bob asked.

I shook my head, my mouth full of food. When I swallowed, I said, "I was just thinking that I need to get back home one last time before training camp starts."

"I bet your Ma would like that," Bob said.

"Yeah," I agreed, taking another bite of my food.

The Blue Jays were up 4 when I left, but by the time I'd made it back to my apartment and turned the game on, they were down by 2 in the top of the 9th.

I threw myself down on my couch and stretched out comfortably when arms were threaded around my neck, nearly giving me a heart attack.

"What the hell!" I yelled, turning abruptly as kisses we placed down my neck.

When I saw that it was the girl from last night, I sighed and closed my eyes, peeling her off of me.

"Don't be like that, baby," she cooed in my ear. Instead of it being cute, it irritated me to my core.

"I need you to leave," I demanded.

"But we had so much fun last night," she said, her fake plumped up lips pouting.

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