3. Howdy Partner

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"Ah! Don't you just love the bell Ray?, I know I do " I hummed happily, everything seemed brighter today and I was in a splendid mood.

Rachel, Jo and Stacey stared at me like I had a third arm or just popped out of a horror movie.

"What? Is my zipper down?"

Jo blushed

Rachel smiled

And Stacey —well, was Stacey.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Zion the asshole? " Rachel asked ,her tone was serious but she was visibly struggling to keep a straight face.

I smiled and she finally lost the struggle with her facial muscles and smiled too.

Smiles were in the air!

"What's got you in such a good mood? You freaking hate the bell! A day doesn't go by without you shaking your fist at it like an old granny " Rachel asked while smiling.

"Well that's in the past, cos the bell is the bringer of good news" I said

"The bell is John the Baptist? " Jo asked looking confused.

I patted her cheek and she burned a bright red.

"No silly child, the bell brings tidings of joy in first period. I'm having English "

All three of them looked confused

"What? You still don't get it? I'm going to get paired with Riley for a project, and when we work together I'll finally  beat you Ray" I explained

"Who's Riley?"

I began to walk towards class so as not to be late

"Freaky Frankie" I answered over my shoulder.

I heard their collective gasps and chuckled.

Oh today is gonna be a good day


When I got to class, I flashed Mrs Briggs a knowing smile. She blushed and gave a small nod.

Women! They're all the same.

Maybe except one particular...

Nerd Ahoy!

She walked into the class clutching her books in front of her.
A blue beanie was covering her hair today and she had on a wool sweater and denims.
Her handbag was hanging from her shoulder and although I couldn't see it, I'd bet her evil reptile was on her shoulder camouflaging.

Witch 101 - always have an evil pet.

She pushed her glasses up and snorted as she made her way to the back of the class.
The only vacant seat was right beside me.

I've got you in my sight Nerd witch!

She didn't acknowledge me as she sat down and placed her handbag on the floor beside her.
She mumbled something, sniffled and pulled out her English textbook.

The period went by quickly and before you could say 'Aloysius ' Mrs Briggs pulled out a sheet of paper

"Students we'll be having a project and I've picked out partners for you " she said

There was a series of  'Ughs!' and 'Boos! ' before the noise reduced to hushed whispers.

Ashley, the blonde haired typical Queen bitch of any good high school story, in front of me turned in her seat giving me a good view of her exposed cleavage.

I rolled my eyes.

"I hope we get to be partners, Zion" she drawled in what she thought was a sexy voice, but actually sounded like a constipated walrus.

I ignored her and paid attention to Mrs Briggs who had started calling names.

From the corner of my eye, I observed Nerd witch, her face was expressionless, betraying no emotion.

Come to think of it, I've never seen her smile.

Back to Mrs Briggs!

"...Moses Cage and Jeremy Harper, Riley Parker and Zion Wesley... " she looked directly at me and winked, I replied with a curt nod.

I heard Ashley ask someone who Riley Parker was and they said they didn't know.

I looked at Nerd witch, her expression was still unreadable, so I leaned over and whispered,
"Howdy partner "

She turned her head so quickly it should have snapped, and gave me an icy glare

"Expect me by seven " I told her and  dared to wink.

She opened her mouth to say something, and before words promising emasculation could come out, the bell rang.

Man I love that bell!

Grabbing my backpack, I made a run for it.

Zion 1: Riley 3

A/N: Hello wonderful people :)
That was a close one for Zion huh?
If you enjoyed this chapter, please consider giving it a vote, I think Zion deserves it for finally getting one on Nerd witch.
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Your crazy amateur writer,
Sommy ❤

Edited: 2nd June 2020

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