26. Gone With The Van

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Subtly, I pinched myself to know if I was dreaming.
But it was unnecessary because the way she slapped my hand away when I offered her help to get up was proof enough.

Nerd witch was standing in front of me!

"What are you doing here?" I asked

She glared at me and dusted off her ridiculous coat, "I could ask you the same thing,"

In a blur that I was already accustomed to, she had zoomed us into the alleyway, away from security cameras and prying eyes, and she had me pinned up against the wall.

"Sometimes, I forget how strong you actually are," I wheezed

"Did you follow me? Who else knows my whereabouts? And what the hell happened to your face?" she questioned

"Well, yes I've been fine since you knocked me out and left me in your basement, thank you for asking,"

Errr... Should you really be provoking her?

Probably not.

You've got a death wish, kid.

Something like that.

Nerd witch narrowed her eyes at my sarcasm, then slowly dropped me on my feet.
I couldn't believe that actually worked. She was finally warming up to me!

Then... Unexpectedly... She punched me in the gut.

I doubled over and sagged to my knees in pain, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For trying to be a bloody smart ass. Now answer my questions or you'll outlive your usefulness,"

"Right. Coming from you who just up and disappeared without a trace. Where have you been all this time? I've missed your evil personality" I looked up into her eyes that were as expressionless as ever.

"I think you've forgotten what I'm capable of, Wesley. But it seems you've got someone else dishing you your daily dose of bruises"

I smirked, with a little extra cockiness, "I still remember vividly, Riley. And the bruises are courtesy of my psychotic cousin"

Just then, her demon chameleon snarled, my eyes snapped to it, "Oh hello too, genetic mishap," I said while rising to my feet.

It narrowed its eyes at me and looked away. Proud little creature.

"Will you answer me?!" Nerd witch shoved me and I slammed against the hard brick wall behind me.



I smirked again, "You asked a polar question, my answer is no,"

Nerd witch stewed for a few minutes, looking like she was going to burst, "I swear I'll end you one of these days,"

I gave a slight mocking bow, despite the pain in my abdominal region, "I'll be waiting,"

"God! You're stupid," She huffed in irritation

"Hey! Stop calling me stupid!"

"Well you said so yourself like three minutes ago," She snapped


Ohhh! She got you good!

Shut up.


The sound of a gun going off, followed by the whistling sound of a bullet flying in the air.
Right in front of me, Nerd witch's eyes widened as she clutched her stomach and staggered backwards.

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