12. Confronting The Witch

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I stood before the gates of hell. The fire beyond them crept out from the tiniest spaces and the tortured screams of the damned souls had my blood curdling.

Just kidding.

I stood at the door of Nerd witch's house with the courage of a cricket ;too scared to even knock.

"Okay, you can do this. I just need some answers,"
I pep talked myself then took a deep breath.
Raising a very shaky fist, I knocked thrice. Not long after, the door was answered by the sexy ass mom. She had her pale blonde hair down today and her striking blue eyes seemed surprised — more like shocked — when she saw me.
But she immediately covered up with a smile (a fake smile BTW).

"Zion! What a pleasant surprise!" she said in her Russian accent while opening the door to let me in.
I cringed at her clichéd sentence which usually meant 'I hate your face and the fact that I have to see you again, but let's all act nice for the sake of a scam called being civil' , but I played along anyway.

"Hello Shannon, Is Riley in?" I asked politely

She seemed to be having an inner conflict on whether to answer me or not, but she nodded with a forced smile,

"She's right upstairs. Will you be staying for dinner?"

"No," I answered quickly "I just need to ask her a few err...questions"

She nodded again like a bobblehead before disappearing into the kitchen.
I ascended the stairs nimbly but stopped when I got to her door.
This was dangerous. I would either die in there or leave ball-less .

Why exactly was I doing this again?

Cos you're a moron with a death wish!

Oh shut up you stupid piece of stale garlic!

This time around, I knocked and waited till I heard a faint sound which I assumed was a 'come in'.

Nerd ahoy!

Nerd witch was sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs crossed beneath her.
The lights were on this time, so I didn't have to squint to see her.
She was putting on light blue pyjama pants and a black T-shirt , her silver locks had been piled into a messy bun on top of her head and she wasn't putting on her glasses.
She would've been cute and cozy to cuddle with if she wasn't giving me the death glare.
But this time, I was just as pissed off as her and ready for her.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep the rage out of my voice.

She maintained her glare and crossed her arms " What do you want We— "

"Cut the crap Riley! Stop pretending. I saw what you did I swear and you, you've been fucking with my life! Just who or what the hell are you?!" I yelled.

Her shoulders slumped a little, but that was her only reaction.

"I told you to leave me alone Wesley," she said coldly

"Tell me,"

"I told you to back off," she unfolded her legs and got off the bed, stalking towards me slowly

"How did you bring Zach back?" I pressed on

"Get out or else — "

"Bla Bla Bla ,You'll emasculate me? If you wanted to seriously hurt me you'd have done so long ago!"
I had no idea where this courage was coming from, but I loved every ounce of it.
I was taking charge of this conversation. I was sick and tired of being intimidated even if she did turn out to be a vampire, but I needed answers, proof that I wasn't going crazy.
By now she was directly in front of me and the sweet scent of vanilla flooded my nostrils.

"You need to back off. I don't even know how you managed to escape Cara's dream simulation," she mumbled the second part but I caught it

"Excuse me?! Dream simu — " then it hit me!
The snarl I had heard before sinking back into unconsciousness was unmistakably Thunder Lizard's
The freaky dream!
She must've somehow set it up and it only made me go white with rage.

I reached out and grabbed her shoulders , shaking her roughly "HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH MY HEAD!!" I shouted.

I was well aware of the fact that she could beat me down in a matter of seconds, but she just maintained her blank face like I was boring her.

"Goddamit I need answers Riley. Are you a vampire? Or a werewolf? Or a witch??"
It sounded silly voicing it out and I saw a hint of amusement in her eyes, before they were expressionless again.

"God! you're really stupid," she finally said

I let go of her shoulders and tugged at my hair "Stop calling me stupid!"

"Well you are," she snapped

"Fine then! Educate me! Just give me answers, please!" I pleaded

She studied me for a second or two, "I can't it's for your own safety. You need to stay away from me" she exhaled

"My safety? What does this have to do with my safety??"

"Stay away from me Wesley, I'll only bring you pain"

I scoffed and pointed at my fading black eye, "So this was your idea of pleasure, hm?"

Her face was still expressionless and cold as ever, " That was necessary. There are things you don't understand, Bigger things are at play. Don't get mixed up, you're distracting me. Consider your brother's life — "

"How did you do it?" I whispered softly

"I can't tell you,"

She placed a hand on my chest and my breath caught, that was until she pushed me out of her room.
She tried to slam the door but I used my foot as a wedge.
I heard her sigh in frustration.

Good Lord! Was I finally getting to her?

"Why won't you leave me alone Wesley?!" she hissed from behind the door.
Good question.
Why exactly wasn't I leaving her alone? I could easily get any other girl I wanted.

Was it because I'd discovered she was actually a hot girl under a nerd facade? No.

It definitely wasn't the dare.
So I'd just say she hurt my ego.
I could work with that.

"Because, Riley, I have a penchant for dangerous women, and you are by far the most dangerous of your kind. I'm addicted." And it was true. I was addicted to the Nerd witch.

I heard her mutter something under her breath

"What was that?" I asked

"Go home Wesley,"

"Stop that. Call me Zion," I told her

"Go home, Zion," she said, still pushing the door.
She was totally taking it easy on me, if not, my foot would've been squashed.
I slipped my foot out of its position as a wedge and she shut the door behind me.

I couldn't get my answers, but my only consolation was that I was right, she didn't deny being in Zach's room that night and doing what she did.

But before I left, I turned back and knocked softly


"Go h— "

"Will you go out with me?"

There was silence, and then


Worth a shot , but then again I'm never one to give up.

I smiled to myself.

Let the games begin.

A/N: Ta daa! New chapter! Lazy me is doing her best.
What do you think of Nerd witch and Zion's lil tete a tete?
Coffee or tea?
Okay, It's way past my bedtime.
Vote and comment please.

Your crazy amateur writer,

Edited : 2nd June 2020

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