We Love You

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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene change

3rd POV

     Naruto sat alone by the lake to think on what Kakashi said.

'But to me, if you weren't worth loving, you wouldn't even exist. Yet here you are, alive and existing.'

What's that supposed to mean??? Naruto asked himself. He began to ponder on other things that Kakashi said, about his teammates accepting him, and his parents wanting him. The thought brought a ghost of a smile to his sun kissed face. However the pain of the past years loomed over him, and the content atmosphere slowly faded away.

If the world really thinks I'm worth it...why am I in so much pain??? If I'm really so loved why am I being so hurt????

     In the distance Naruto could hear the faint noise of running. It reminded him of the fox hunt back at home, and the loud stomps and jeers in the distance drawing nearer and nearer. Naruto could feel the familiar dread in his stomach of impending pain and suffering. N-no you're not there! You're not at the village!! You're safe!! You're safe! You're safe...

     Naruto gulped before slowly turning around, fearing what was behind him. He waited for something to attack him only to feel two arms wrap around him in a strong and firm embrace.

     Naruto recovered from his shock and looked down, finding short, midnight blue hair in his vision. Naruto hesitated before hugging the figure back. The two stayed in a warm embrace before breaking apart. Cerulean blue eyes met lavender pearl orbs.

     "Sasuke told us everything..." Hinata started. "Yeah...I figured.." Naruto replied. There was an awkward silence before Hinata continued,

"It was you this whole time."

     That wasn't a question more than it was a statement. She didn't have to say what It was ,or who It was. They just knew Naruto was It, and It was Naruto. The fact that the other genin now knew Naruto's secret finally slapped him in the face. It was a fact that he could no longer hide from, and that scared him. Naruto nodded his head slowly.

     He was expecting anger. A shove, a kick, or a kunai in his chest, but Hinata's silence wasn't what he expected, or wanted. Naruto was so used to Hinata being quiet, but for some reason her silence scared him at the moment.

Then Hinata opened her mouth


"How are you still alive?"


"Um...excuse me?"

"How can you still be alive???"

     Naruto's eyes stung. She wants me dead...she's been believing her whole life that the Kyuubi was killed by Lord Fourth and now she knows he's actually still sealed inside me. She hates me. She hates me... The thought was enough to make his tears fall down. What about the others? Kiba? Sakura? Choji? Do they hate me too?
Please no.....please please no...

     A hand made its way to Naruto's cheek. Instinctively, Naruto shied away, but Hinata looked at him with kind eyes, meaning no harm. Slowly Hinata wiped Naruto's tears away.

"How can you still be alive??? After all you've been through how can you still go on???"

     Naruto blinked, What? "I-I don't understand.." Naruto replied. "Sasuke told us everything," Hinata explained, "how you've been tortured for...for so long...and suffered so many times..."


"And you've been through it all alone..."


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I-I'm sorry?"

"Why didn't you tell us the truth?"

     Naruto stayed silent before looking away, not wanting to see Hinata's face. "I-I..." he started but hesitated. Naruto sighed before whispering,

"I was...I am...s-so scared..."

     Another round of fresh tears began to build up into his eyes as he continued, "I d-don't want you t-to hate me...I don't...I don't w-want you to hurt m-me.." Naruto began to shake and sniffle.

"I d-don't actually hate S-Sasuke or the rest of y-you g-guys. I l-love you all s-so much....a-and I don't want you to hate me or to h-hurt me because everything hurts..."

     At this point Naruto hugged himself and sobbed, "E-everything h-hurts so much...and I-I don't want it t-to hurt anymore....."

     Naruto's sobs were more like weeps. They were soft and not meant to be heard, and they showed just how vulnerable the boy really was.

     Once again, Hinata's arms wrapped around Naruto into a gentle hug. Her own beautiful eyes glistened with tears of sorrow for her friend. 

     Unbeknownst to the blonde, the rest of the genin were watching and listening to everything. Sakura and Ino were both in tears. Heck, almost all of them were. (AN: Yes, Sasuke Neji and Shino too.)

Swiftly, Sakura stood from the group and walked over to the pair, joining the embrace. Then Sasuke. Then Lee. Slowly, one by one..each genin stood to join the group hug until they were all huddled around their suffering friend.

Hinata finally spoke again,


"Naruto...we would never hate your...w-we could never hurt you....you'll always b-be our friend... and we all love you...."


That captured everyone's thoughts perfectly. They loved Naruto, and Naruto loved them.

In the background, the four senseis watched their students crying together for their dear friend.

And in the heavens, a little girl looked down warmly on the group, a smile brighter than the sun gracing her face.

Keep it short, sweet and sprinkle some cliche. Oh and also I'm alive ;) just throwing it out there.

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