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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene change

3rd POV

"Thank you for having us here Hata. I think I speak for us all when I say we had a pleasant stay here."

     Everyone nodded in agreement with Kurenai-sensei as they stood outside, packed up and ready to return home. "Oh, it was no trouble at all. We quite enjoy having people stay here. Makes life more intersting I'd say. Honestly I wish the week was longer," Hata said. "I think we all do, too, but duty calls. Hope you have a good day," said Asuma.

"Well, we wish you a safe journey back. So long!"


3rd POV

     Naruto, once again, trailed behind the group, in silence and thought. The villagers are probably mad I wasn't there for them to have their fun...I wonder how bad it's gonna be when I get back home. Flashes of last year's Fox Hunt made its way through Naruto's mind, and he shuddered at the thought of having to go through it another time.


     Said boy lifted his head to Hinata's concerned eyes. "Yeah?" he asked. "Are you all right? You're being awfully quiet..well more than you'd normally be ever since—" Naruto cut Hinata off, "Oh, nothing's wrong!"


"Well..I mean nothing's wrong right now so.."


"So in other words...something's wrong..and you don't want to tell us??"

     "It's nothing personal. Well I mean it is, but it's not like I don't trust you guys," Naruto said. Hinata nodded understandingly. "It's just...when we get back to the village..I don't know what I'm going to do. They're going to be very upset that they missed their chances know the—"

"Fox Hunt."

     Naruto and Hinata turned to see Sasuke walking beside them, "And they're going to take their chances once you get back aren't they?" Naruto stayed silent before nodding his head solemnly. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw, Those bastards.

"Don't worry."

The trio turned to see Lee looking back at them, "We won't let them lay a finger on you." "Yeah, we've got you're back," Kiba added. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Naruto smiled.

"Thank you."


3rd POV

Eventually, the group made it back to Konoha and up to the Hokage's tower. After briefing Tsunade of the trip, she dismissed them back to their homes.

"Kakashi. I need you to stay here for a bit.

Sakura POV

After we finished briefing the trip, I went home to go unpack my things before heading out for the rest of the day.

The village seemed to be just clearing up from the festival. I was actually looking forward to it..but then the trip happened. I turned and saw smiling faces, innocent faces. I began to wonder how could such cruel people smile like that.

How could twisted, sick souls have sweet, innocent smiles.

I made it to the Yamanaka flower shop, and Ino was tending to the daisies. "Hey Ino-pig," I greeted. "Billboard brow? What are you doing here?" she asked. "Meh. The rest of the day is free to enjoy so, I decided to stop by."

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