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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene change

3rd POV

     The air in the hospital room was cold. The tension was thick, and the silence rang louder than ever. Naruto swore he could hear his own blood running in his veins. Tsunade silently patched the boy up, carefully treating the wound on his head.

     During the silence, Naruto spoke to Kurama in the mindscape. He was there. I know..are you okay? Yeah..well no, but I'll get better eventually I guess. You know, you should tell them about what happened. What! I'm serious. Absolutely not! Why not, you've already told them about me! They're obviously true friends. Exactly! I've already told them so much. If they find out any more depressing things about me, they might.. I don't know..feel even worse about themselves. Kurama sighed, All right, I guess I could see how they would feel that way, however I still believe that you should share what happened. But I—Kit, you can't keep things locked away forever. This past week is literal proof of that.
Look ultimately this is up to you. You don't have to tell them right away..or even at all...but please do at some point. I know that this—all of this is hurting you..I don't want to see my kit hurt anymore.



     Naruto turned his attention to Tsunade. Her hazel eyes gave hints of anger and worry. Tsunade gave a tired sigh, "Oh brat, what's happened to you? I thought I knew you so well until I didn't." Naruto stayed silent. At one point he opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"Could you tell me anything?"





     Tsunade sighed, frustrated with Naruto's lack of answers. She felt so confused and worried. This wasn't her annoying brat. This wasn't her Naruto. She didn't even know who her Naruto was anymore.

     "All right...well the most prominent wound is the gash in your head. Thanks to the nine tails chakra, it's healing rather quickly. Most of your other wounds aren't so severe so you shouldn't need to stay in. I'll leave you to gather your things," Tsunade informed, like it was scripted and rehearsed.

"If you need to tell me anything..please do."

     When she was met with silence, Tsunade turned to exit the room.


"...old hag?"


     Tsunade turned her head around to the boy who called to her. He looked uncertain of himself, having an internal conflict.


"I...I do..I do have something to tell you...b-but it''s really hard to say"


     Tsunade gave Naruto a gentle smile, "It's all right brat, I'll wait for you to tell me okay?" Naruto nodded as Tsunade left the room.


3rd POV

     Naruto walked out of the hospital looking almost completely fine. The only evidence of the earlier attack was the bandage on his head that was hiding the gash. Outside, Sasuke and Hinata were waiting for him.

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