Who Are You?

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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene change

3rd POV







Flashback: 2 years ago /Yamanaka Flower Shop /age 10


"Hey Mom!"

I walked into the flower shop where my mom was tending to the tulips. "Oh hello sweety," she replied happily, "How was academy today??"

"It was great! We got back our tests and I got better grades than the class. Except for Sasuke-kun of course," I said. "That's lovely dear, anything else?" mom asked. "Not really... well..there was this one thing," I told her. "Oh?" she said and turned to me.

"Well Iruka-sensei asked me if I could help this weird kid, Naruto with his tests and stuff. I had to say yes, but Naruto's such a loser!! Plus he's not as good as Sasuke-kun!!"


"Naruto right? Do tell me more dear."

"Oh, well he's this blonde kid with weird marks on his cheeks. He's the worst student in our class, I don't even know how he made it into the academy. He acts so stupid!! Helping him's gonna be so annoying!!!"

     Mom was silent for a bit before answering, "If you'd like, I could go and help that Naruto boy so that you don't have, too."

"Oh really!! You'd do that for me really!!"


"I'd be more than happy to teach that boy a few lessons."


"Thank you mom!!!"



'I'd be more than happy to teach that boy a few lessons.'

"Don't you think I'll ever let you breathe the same air as my daughter ever again!!!"

'Thank you mom!!!'


What have I done.

3rd POV

Stones and rocks began to pelt the small blonde as all he could do was curl into a ball. Familiar yells and chants filled his ears as if officially confirming that he was in fact back in Konoha. Found the welcoming committee..Get out of here! Right! Right.

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