Chapter 12

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It is dark. I hold a knife. Someone is in the darkness with me; a man. I can smell him – hot, familiar. I can hear his heavy breathing. I think he is sleeping. My heart races. My fingers tighten around the hilt. I reach for an oil lamp, ready to light the flame...

...And suddenly...

...I'm in a temple. The sun rises from the east and its pink rays fall on the statue of a woman. White flowers decorate the stone columns, and the air smells sweet and familiar. Myrtle...

...And then...

...Rocks dig into my fingers as I grip them. Vertigo overcomes me. I set my jaw – determined – hanging from the cliff face...

...The ground beneath me drops viciously. I'm thrown against something wooden. Water sprays onto my face and cold damp seeps into my bones. The air smells like the sea mixed with something else; something that turns my stomach. Death. My hands are clenched around two round, metal objects. Coins...


...a box...


I am no pawn of the gods.

...what is in the box?...


I am more than they think I am.



I will love you until my last breath.


...a promise forms in my mind...

I will love you.

A promise.




A promise.


I will bring the darkness.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now