Chapter 15

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With the help of the satnav I manage to make my way to Los Angeles.

Despite the thoughts reeling through my mind, I can't help but feel pleased to finally have my own car. I've wanted one for ages, but dad always said it was unnecessary when we live in a place as small as Forever Falls – we have the buses for school, and it's easy enough to walk around. I always thought I needed one because it's so small here – as a means of escape; as a way to get out.

I'm not sure how to get into the Cupids Matchmaking Service parking lot, so I find a public one closeby and pull the key out of the ignition. As I sit in the silence the thought of what I have to do hits me hard; and I don't move from the driving seat for a few minutes. My stomach writhes and clenches.

I don't know how I'm going to tell Cupid everything I need to tell him.

Valentine. Venus. War.


I close my eyes and lean back against the head-rest, deeply breathing in the warm car smell. It's starting to give me a headache.

Technically it's not like anything has happened between me and Valentine. Not really. And yet guilt twists and turns inside my body. He said I wanted him there, in my dreams. Is that true? And – if Venus really is back – was it really my feelings that allowed her to escape?

I rub my face hard with my hands.

He's a killer. He's not a good person. And the fact I've let him get so close to me; the fact I've allowed him into my dreams, and under my skin – it's starting to make me wonder if I'm a good person, myself.

There's a darkness inside you, Lila Black.

Mino's words come back to me. I recall the labyrinth he showed me. I recall the shadowy tornado that raged at its center. What was that? What the hell is wrong with me?

I take another deep breath, then check my cell. No new messages, just the one that Cupid sent me as I was setting off.

Sure thing. Everything OK, lovebug?

I turn off the screen, put the phone in my pocket.

Is everything OK? No. not really.

But maybe once I've got this off my chest it will be.

I step out of the car and start the walk to the Cupids Matchmaking Service.


"Hey, Lila." Chet, the latest receptionist at the Cupids Matchmaking Service looks up as I walk across the gleaming white floor to the desk. "Some party last night, huh?"

He raises a dark eyebrow as I come to a stop in front of him. "You could say that..." I reply. "I'm looking for Cupid."

He nods, types a few keys on his keyboard, then looks up again. "Combat room. Cal too."

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now