Chapter 37

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"'s potentially the end of the world and you want to get drunk?!" I narrow my eyes but continue to walk beside him through the maze of dusty corridors leading to Morpheus's speakeasy bar.

The corner of Valentine's lip lifts, his eyes darting down to me. "We're alone and trapped in the Underworld, Lila. Have you an idea of something better to do?" His smile broadens. "I'm open to suggestion."

Something glints wickedly within the electric blue of his irises that makes me hurriedly look away.

"Yes. I do actually," I say – eyes fixed resolutely ahead as we pass through yet another corridor filled with surrealist art. "We go and rescue Cupid and Cal."

"You don't want to do that. Not really."

"Of course I do."

"OK. Keep telling yourself that."

I glare at him. "I will keep telling myself that. Because it's the truth."

He chuckles – the sound echoes around the dark hall we're walking across and vibrates through my body; it ignites a burst of hot irritation in my gut despite the coldness of the air that hangs here.

"It is!" I say.

"You sure about that, Lila?" he says. "I saw the relief on your face when you saw our box thieves were Venus's boys, not my brothers."

"What?! That's not...I was relieved that James was alright!"

We reach the door leading to Morpheus's study. There's a smirk toying at his lips that makes me want to slap him. "Sure...that's why..."

He heads inside the room – striding over to the bookshelf that conceals the bar. I stand in the doorway, watching him. I fold my arms across my chest. "Why are you so...annoying?!"

He looks over his shoulder as he pulls out the leather-bound volume that opens the door. His eyes lazily lock onto mine.

"Perhaps, because it's fun to get under your skin." The secret doorway slides open in front of him and the sound of jazz and laughter floods the study. His smirk spreads into a wicked smile – white teeth flashing. "You can pretend that having that having a drink with me is part of your plan to persuade me to rescue my brothers if it makes you feel any better."

Before I can retort he heads down into the darkness.

I glare at the empty doorway.

"Asshole," I mutter to myself. But I cross the room and head down the steep steps after him, anyway – the bookshelf closing behind me.


"So, when you come back from the Underworld are you going to become gross like your cupid army, then?"

I slurp from my straw – watching him overt the rim of the crystal glass in my hand as the warmth of the liquid hits my stomach. My legs dangle from the stool and my arm is propped against the bar – the sleeve of my leather jacket sticking to the dark wooden surface.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now