Chapter 58

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Our footsteps pound against the checkered tiles of the corridor – the black swirls decorated onto the white walls a blur as we run

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Our footsteps pound against the checkered tiles of the corridor – the black swirls decorated onto the white walls a blur as we run. Behind us something shatters. Valentine's throaty tormented cry hits my ears as we turn the corner. Ahead, ten cupids line the corridor – guarding the white door at the end.

They're ready for us – the sounds of Mars and Valentine's fight warning them of our presence. We dodge arrows that pierce the air, flashing in the flickering torchlight; gold and red Ardors, and black killing arrows.

Arrows that can now kill Cupid.

Fear tightens my insides. But Cupid acts no less fearless in light of this revelation. He reaches the agents first – thrusting an arrow into the chest of an athletic, tanned guy and hurling him at a girl aiming at him.

And then the rest of us join the chaos. Limbs, and bows, and the whites of the Matchmaking Service uniforms blur. Adrenaline puts me in autopilot – I'm barely aware of my actions as I dodge an arrow, spin away from a fist, thrust the box into someone's face, and push my way forward to the door of Venus's office.

Someone grabs my shoulders but they're wrenched off me. I hear Mino's roar as I grab the handle.

I pull it open.

I stumble inside.

I've barely a moment to gulp a breath of the sweet myrtle scented air that makes me dizzy. Two female agents raise their bows – midway across the space. My eyes widen. Then a black arrow plunges into each of their chests and they fall to the floor. Cupid and Cal stand on either side of me as Amena shuts the door behind us.

"You okay?" says Cupid softly.

My skin feels suddenly clammy and cold. I have to take deep breaths to push down the panic that's starting to rise. Bending forwards slightly I nod.

"Yeah," I whisper. "That smell. It's bringing back memories."

"Yours or Psyche's?"


His jaw grits as he rubs a hand on my back – eyes fixed ahead. Like the last time we were here the far end of the room is shrouded in darkness.

"Charlie and Mino?" I say under my breath.

"They're okay. Holding off the others," says Cupid. "Mino's the most powerful here. And Charlie -"

I nod, straightening. "She can handle herself."

There's a rustling sound – like skirts being adjusted. My breathing stops. My eyes cast around the shadows of the long, narrow room – searching for Venus. White myrtle and red and black roses climb up the white walls. The sweet taste of flowers and decay hits my throat and turns my stomach. My heart won't steady in my ribcage.

Something ahead moves in the darkness at the opposite side of the room.

I narrow my eyes, crate in my arms.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now