Chapter 59

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Hi guys! Thanks for your patience with me! This chapter needs a quite a bit of work - and I've been basically re-writing a lot of this book offline for a deadline with a couple of my foreign rights publishers (more to tell you on that later!) - while also doing edits for Cupid's Match book 1 for the English published version (eeek!) which is why I've made you wait so long! But I wanted to share something with you this weekend! More to come next weekend. Hope you enjoy! lots of love, Lauren xxx

I'm in a temple

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I'm in a temple. The air smells like citrus. So does the man sat on the stone steps beside me. He has his head in his hands. I turn to him – his hair is black, his shoulders broad. The breeze ripples his white linen top. Slowly he looks up – his shocking blue eyes meeting mine.

"I can't do this anymore," he says – his voice is rough.

"You're breaking up with me?"

"I'm not who you think I am, Psyche."

I take his hands in mine – warm and calloused; the hands of a warrior. "I know exactly who you are."

"You're in danger. My mother -"

"I think I can handle your mother. . ."

"You don't know who my mother is." He shakes his head – gaze moving away. "This has to end, my love."


"Open your eyes, Lila Black."


I'm in the same temple. Time has passed. Days. Maybe weeks. The sky is red. Shadows stretch from the stone columns. I stand looking out on the city below waiting for him to come back for me.

I do not think he will.

There's a shuffle behind me.

"My love?"

I feel a pinch in my back. I laugh – oddly filled euphoria at such a thing. Someone moves behind me and I turn.

There is a young man standing there – the sunset emphasizing the bronze in his hair. My heartbeat begins to race, my sadness replaced with warmth. Some strange power seems to draw me to him.

He looks confused for a moment as his ocean colored eyes meet mine. Then a smile spreads across his lips that lights up his entire face.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," he says – running his fingers through his ruffled hair. "I was looking for someone. My brother. Our mother is. . . upset about something and I need to find him. Have you seen anyone?"

"No. I was alone," I say. I smile. "But now you're here. Perhaps you could join me?"

His smile widens and he inclines his head.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now