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My head was pounding. It was the kind of headache you feel down your neck and behind your eyes. I was getting sick.

"Emma!" Ginger screamed at the entrance of the kitchen. "Tell your friends not to sit in my section. They never leave a tip and I have bills to pay!"

Ginger's voice pierced through my ears like nails on a chalkboard.

I really only had one friend and there was no way she was sitting at the diner at midnight on a Tuesday.

"They didn't tell me they were coming." I lied in an attempt to shut her up.

"Well you help them. I'm going home." After a short incoherent rant Ginger left the kitchen.

My instincts told me it was Audrey. Who else shows up this late and ask for me? I changed my apron quickly and tried to make myself presentable. I peeked through the small window on the door of the kitchen. My eyes scanned the dining area until I found her. Part of me was excited and happy to see her but mostly I just felt confused. Why couldn't she just text me? Why did she show up out of no where in the middle of the night? Did she have a girlfriend, or a husband she was trying to avoid?

After letting my mind ponder seven thousand different scenarios, all of which ending badly, I decided I had to ask her.

I grabbed the coffee pot and made my way to her table. As I approached I could hear her friends announcing my presence.

"Hey, do you guys wants some coffee?"

In unison they all answered no. Audrey however said nothing. She just looked at me, almost as if she had not expected to see me there. Immediately, I felt stomach sink with disappointment. How could she just ignore me like that. My eyes searched for hers hoping they would offer me some reassurance. Audrey stared down at her hands and continued to ignore me.

"Okay, well just let one of us know if you guys want anything."

Still silence. Audrey said nothing as I walked back to the kitchen. I looked back over my shoulder to find her friends giggling. I hoped she would turn and smile or even make eye contact but I receive nothing at all.

It hurt when she didn't acknowledge me in front of her friends. The clique was clearly as rich as Audrey and she seemed to fit in more with them than she did with me. It couldn't have been fun for her to explain knowing me. I was just a wannabe cook at a mediocre diner.

Tears had filled my eyes involuntarily. I wasn't rich, my clothes were a few years old but I knew what I could offer someone someday. I was hardworking, intelligent, and somewhat attractive.

"If that's not good enough then fuck her" I said to myself.

I started cleaning earlier than usual in an attempt to keep my mind busy. All the while my self worth was deteriorating.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

It was from Audrey.

I'm sorry. My friends are assholes. They wanted to see what you looked like. I didn't think you'd come to serve us.

I didn't know how to react. I played through so many clever clap backs about rich girls and how mad I was but for some reason I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I wanted to keep talking to her but, also let her know I was slightly upset.

Audrey, I thought you said you didn't make stalking a habit? Lol.

As I waited for her to reply I felt my nerves flare. It reminded me of high school when you pass notes to your crush. Minutes seemed like hours. So I decided to sweep a bit. As soon as my hand touched the broom my phone went off again.

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