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"Shit, shit, shit." I sprung out of my bed like it was on fire. "I'm so late, shit!"

Audrey jumped out of bed right behind me. I watched her eyes scan the room searching for the urgency that made me leap from the bed.

"What's wrong!" She yelled while her eyes still circled the room.

"I'm late for class, shit. I'm definitely not going to make it."

I had a paper due today that I should have finalized yesterday.

Relief came across her face and she walked over to me.

"They know your sick, why not take the day and rest up completely?"

I understood her logic but she didn't understand mine. I worked a lot just to keep myself afloat. Between work and school there was no leftover time for me to make up the work I would miss for this class.

"I have no time Audrey. It's not like I can write a paper while I'm working at the diner."

She sat on my bed for a minute thinking. Again, I could see her mind wondering to a dark place. I know she's sensitive about the working subject so I usually avoid.

"I'm sorry, I've never had this issue. Is there something I could do? Maybe help you with the paper? Honestly you'll never use that shit anyway. I'm sure I still have all of mine on my old laptop."

My mind was racing. There was no way I could make it there to hand in any work but I could email it. She had been through the same classes at a much better college. I was sure she had something useful.

"Actually yeah that would help out a lot. We were only going to finish them up and hand them in today anyway."

Audrey nodded in agreement.

I took a quick shower and Audrey drove us back to her house. She drove a newer BMW  Even with my nose still a little clogged I could smell her perfume lingering in the car. When we got to her house Audrey showed me the upper level. The upstairs had more bedrooms then a family could need. One room had an office set up. She sat me down at her computer and showed me all of her essays and research papers that held my papers same topic.

"Use anyone of these. They're already cited, it should make it a lot easier. I'm going to get some lunch for us."

She placed a small kiss on my forehead and started walking towards the door.

"Audrey wait, thank you. You have no idea what this means for me."

Her smile nearly melted my heart.

"Anytime Em."

I spent the better part of two hours finishing my paper. With Audrey's notes and citations it was done in no time. I had caught up on most of my homework and I had a few days of sick time at work so I called and told them I was still sick.

I rarely called out in all of my time there. My boss was always understanding when I did. It was almost a well need vacation.

Audrey roamed in and out of the office periodically in an attempt not to distract me. There was something about the way she checked on me that made me smile. It was cute and sincere. I could tell she enjoyed me just being in her house. The last time she came in she had some water bottles.

"Here, it's important that you drink when you're sick."

"Thanks you're too nice." I noted as I took the water bottle from her.

Audrey pulled a chair next to me and sat while I finished saving and emailing all of my homework.

"Sometimes," she smiled. "For certain people I guess."

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